Example sentences of "might be expected [verb] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Not all of his conclusions are what might be expected given the current stress on the importance of vocational education and training .
2 Although official records might be expected to give an accurate picture of changes in the range and scale of provision , a considerable amount of work was necessary to establish even this basic framework .
3 One consequence of subsistence on a gelada-like diet is that , as Jolly puts it , ‘ a chewing apparatus of the hominid type might be expected to include a thick , muscular , mobile tongue , accommodated in a large oral cavity … also , incidentally , providing preadaptations to articulate speech . ’
4 I think it would be much more effective if the one who was meant to be the hardhat and who might be expected to let the other one drown in fact saves the other one even though he thinks his ideas about the Indians and his plan to baptise them when they get to the Orinoco are blasphemous .
5 Today the National Front is in the hands of a young , often well-educated leadership which belongs to the post-war generation and might be expected to abandon the antisemitic heritage as an embarrassing relic of fascism .
6 Thus alleged market failures in the area of advertisement hoardings would be a topic for the Monopolies Commission , whereas water supply might be expected to involve a regulatory authority or public supply agency .
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