Example sentences of "good deal of [adj] [noun] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 Inevitably , melodies often contain more leaps than in conventional music , or there may be a good deal of semitonal movement or inversions of semitones to create such intervals as 7ths and minor 9ths .
2 Still , there was a good deal of stealthy coming and going within the building — this being ignored apparently by the men on duty in the guardchamber .
3 Most of my informants retained very happy memories of the atmosphere of the composing-room , possibly a little coloured by the passage of time ; but there does seem to have been a good deal of good humour and fun .
4 The wives of prosperous burgesses also had a good deal of managerial responsibility and authority .
5 Perhaps because they are relatively loose in conventional management terms , with a good deal of devolved power and individual discretion , they seem relatively ‘ tight ’ in normative terms , held together more by values than by structures ( Becher and Kogan 1980 ) ; indeed , they may constitute an interesting organizational example of the ‘ simultaneous loose-tight properties ’ described by Peters and Waterman ( 1982 ) .
6 Koons ' sculpture from this period — of vacuum cleaners encased in plexiglass , basketballs floating in aquariums , and a stainless-steel bunny — garnered a good deal of critical acclaim and important fans , among them the art dealer Mary Boone .
7 The preliminary cleaning of the painting in 1984 aroused a good deal of adverse criticism but , as Felipe Garin , the Prado 's director , recently commented : ‘ In the end the passage of time and the approval of the general public have brought us to our senses ’
8 While Adorno confines this category to ‘ serious ’ music , Paddison points out that there seems no reason why it could not include a good deal of avant-garde jazz and such rock groups as Frank Zappa 's Mothers of Invention the Velvet Underground , and — he might have added — some post-punk bands .
9 The causes of the development of trade unionism within the public sector have been the subject of a good deal of political debate and social science theorizing .
10 The picture which emerges is one where there was a good deal of casual crudity and the occasional fight between individuals or small groups but little orchestrated rowdyism or violence .
11 The final client , the development officer said , needed a good deal of extra support but was a very adamant refuser of help , and frequently refused to let people into her house .
12 Several other people had arranged to share cars and after a good deal of last-minute discussion and instructions , they were at last on their way .
13 Despite a good deal of organized opposition and intrigue from Mozart 's enemies in court circles , of whom the ringleader was probably Antonio Salieri , Figaro was first performed in the Burgtheater on 1 May , 1786 .
14 An impressive body of research in psychogerontology demonstrates that a good deal of ill health and dependency even in very old age is induced by society 's expectation that age brings infirmity and dependence .
15 Franchises were re-allocated by competition in 1964 , 1967 and 1981 , and although there was each time a public invitation and a grand interview , the procedure involved a good deal of preliminary contact and discussion , not least about such important but apparently secondary factors as studio locations and offices .
16 For example , a pupil who is mastering literacy and numeracy with few difficulties will spend a considerable amount of time in the ordinary classroom , but another may need a good deal of specialised help and be at a stage of going to only one or two lessons daily in the fully integrated situation .
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