Example sentences of "[being] [vb pp] [det] " in BNC.

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1 And as well as that , beyond the city walls , fortifications were being erected all the way round the north of Oxford , the bits that were n't covered by the river .
2 Plans by Hibs football club for a twenty thousand seater stadium are likely to move a step nearer being realised this week .
3 Nearly all research in communist East Germany was carried out in the 57 institutes of the Academy of Sciences , with universities being given little chance to conduct serious research .
4 He could n't remember ever being given much chance to degrade her .
5 Schools are being given the chance to run themselves , and hospitals are being given that chance .
6 and in the same way , if if they 're being given that example ,
7 Despite the domestic chaos caused from being given such short notice , Pearce again rose to the challenge and had moved with his family to the US within six weeks .
8 It was only when the tea came that her pleasure in such a welcome , in being given such evidence of the continuing affection in which she was held , abruptly waned .
9 As the passing of the Bill is being given such high priority , will the Leader of the House guarantee that all the evidence will be put before the Committee — that some of it will not be suppressed , as the Secretary of State suppressed evidence put forward by colleges of further education ?
10 It included questions on the presence and frequency of stool soiling , and treatment being given such as stool softeners , laxatives , suppositories , enemas , or others , and their dose and frequency of use and if day wetting or night wetting was present at the time of follow up .
11 Again , we see the need for flexibility in the control structure , with each component being given enough free rein to contribute fully , but not so much as to force it to take decisions for which it , on its own , has insufficient evidence .
12 In the galley , Harry had his first meal for six days , before being given some bread and butter and cigarettes and being advised to return in two days , just before the ship sailed .
13 I remember being given some caviar once when we were in Russia — wrapped in newspaper because they had no containers to put it in !
14 They may therefore approach the post-assessment consultation in the expectation of being given some definite information regarding the child 's difficulties and the likely prognosis .
15 This may require the parents being given some special activities to be carried out each day , or it may involve more general and less highly structured activities , such as looking at books or playing with toys .
16 ‘ Demand was so good that it expanded from there , and George was happy to act as consultant , in return for being given some ground space at Ramsey to grow on Bonsai — his current passion . ’
17 Do you see yourself as being given some sort of payment , eh ?
18 The Minister will recognise that lone parents are being given some useful assistance under the ’ children come first ’ proposals , in the form of a reduction from 24 to 16 hours in the full-time working week .
19 Excuse me , sir , ’ I said , ‘ but do n't people mind being given these names ? ’
20 For example , Andreasen and her colleagues asked a large group of psychiatrists to compare the written productions of two creative writers , including James Joyce , with those of psychotics and , without being given any other information , to try to reach a diagnosis .
21 Deng Xiaoping managed to stay alive and did not wish to wait for his own death before being given any credit .
22 This is the Citizen 's Charter in action and we have no objection to the public being given more information .
23 Although the changes were ‘ A bit unsettling , ’ there were , he believed , ‘ Benefits in being given more freedom to aggressively search for customers and shedding the ‘ government bureaucracy ’ image . ’
24 for example , a production manager may be stuck about ideas on how to improve factory efficiency but looking at a potted plant on the desk might suggest an improved working environment or employees being given more wages ( which may be seen as the equivalent of plant food ) .
25 The results indicated that people benefited from being given more information , which enabled them to develop and in some cases revise their opinions .
26 My feeling is that two separate matters sometimes get mixed up : the practice and study of connected speech is agreed by everyone to be of great importance , but this can sometimes result in some relatively unimportant aspects of speech ( e.g. assimilation , juncture ) being given more emphasis than they should .
27 He and Nell were agreeing that after the scene the actors would leave again ( all except Giles-the-murderer ) , even though they did n't like being banished all the time and were complaining about it .
28 Could it be that Sun Microsystems Inc president Scott McNealy 's voice is being heard this side of the Atlantic , after he reportedly told Novell Inc 's Ray Noorda to fire everyone at Unix System Labs except a handful of marketing guys and the engineers ?
29 THE ancient craft of patchwork is being highlighted this weekend at Tatton Park .
30 It is being treated that seriously .
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