Example sentences of "[being] seen [prep] " in BNC.

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31 I think a lot of the current concern about schools being accountable is partly because things that in fact are being done are not being seen to be done , and I think if many of the things that we already done were more obviously being seen to be done , and perhaps also thought through rather more carefully as to how they were being done , the public would feel generally erm happier about what was going on in their schools than perhaps they are at the moment .
32 Meiotic prophase in the mouse commences on day 13 of gestation with maximum numbers of pachytenes being seen over days 16 — 18 .
33 Mr Wolski had already read the accounts of him being seen over the Chiltern Hills north-west of London soon after leaving the Regent 's Park area and later a certain sighting by a member of the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds in East Anglia who saw him feeding off sheep carrion on chalk downland .
34 He fancied being seen with two women who were at each other 's throats .
35 First , there is currently an unhealthy fear of being seen with anything that might be perceived as ‘ right on ’ ( the Eighties may be over , but many of its less attractive characteristics are still very much with us ) .
36 ‘ I must be very careful being seen with you … ’ said Harrison , ‘ or the Barisan [ the ruling party ] will tell the people that the Western media are manipulating us . ’
37 The most important thing — of course — was being seen with the right people , and the Mirza Nama opens with a salutary warning : ‘ He [ the mirza ] must not speak to every unworthy person , and should regard men of his own class as the only [ fit ] companions [ for him ] . ’
38 I 'm fed up with being the target for all those unattached girls who fancy that being seen with me will give them a leg-up in their dubious careers !
39 Being seen with Catholics , what do you think ?
40 ‘ It was your reaction to being seen with no clothes on !
41 Rather than such force being seen as a prerogative of the state , it is seen by many in the alliance to inhere in the people of Ulster who over and over again need to assert their autonomous rights .
42 The Government 's insistence that the Channel tunnel rail link be privately-financed is being seen as the first stage in a longer term plan to privatise the entire British Rail network .
43 She has been discovered by the feminists , who have rescued her from being seen as a minor pastoralist ; but in certain cases , they have also subject her to psycho-symbolic sexual analysis which she would have loathed , or blamed her for not having cared more for sexual politics or stood out for lesbian sexuality .
44 Mr de Klerk 's announcement is being seen as recognition finally that the South African government will have to deal with the black majority through the leadership of the ANC if civil war is not to wipe the republic off the face of Africa .
45 As another example , subjects have to draw an irregular shape — the shape being seen as a reflection in a mirror .
46 Dubcek urges Communist hardliners to stand down continued from page one possible five-year jail term on charges of sedition in what is being seen as a test case of the regime 's genuine commitment to a dialogue with the opposition .
47 Mr Czarnogursky , meanwhile , faces a possible five-year jail term on charges of sedition in what is being seen as a test case of the regime 's genuine commitment to a dialogue with the opposition .
48 Mergers , especially between banks serving the same area , are being seen as the swiftest route to big cost savings ; these , in turn , free up capital .
49 Edith had the Gallic guts to speak the truth : she liked being seen as a sex object .
50 On the day that the Sinn Fein president Mr Gerry Adams lost his seat in West Belfast , the blast was being seen as a deliberate attempt by the IRA to place the Irish question firmly back in the political agenda .
51 EC trade analysts said last night that M Delors was probably happy to raise the temperature of the dispute , to minimise expectations for his Washington mission , which until yesterday was being seen as the last chance to save the five-year round of Gatt talks .
52 David Downes ( 1983 ) aptly summed up the irony of ‘ law and order ’ being seen as a Conservative concern , when he called it ‘ theft of an issue ’ .
53 Maybe they are fed up of being seen as this natural type of band .
54 I was also delighted that at last there had been an acknowledgement of the fact that I had a role in what was happening rather than being seen as a bystander in an event that would , all being well , change our lives beyond recognition .
55 A 3-0 thrashing suffered by Villa at Coventry on Saturday is now being seen as the turning point in their Championship drive .
56 The Accounting Standards Board 's second financial reporting standard will result in more subsidiaries being brought into group accounts , and is being seen as an indication of how the ASB will deal with group accounts in its later projects .
57 Part of the reason for governments ' ‘ averted gaze ’ has , of course , been the wish to avoid being seen as the obvious source of subsidy and support for struggling enterprises .
58 Lesley and even Emma and I are being seen as lads , unfeminine , trying to be blokes .
59 It was as Everett had feared — the Golden Share was being seen as a kind of sterilization pill which would prevent a takeover and a profitable union .
60 These allied to an apprehension of the uselessness of qualifications anyway — blackness being seen as the immovable obstacle to career progress — produce a situation in which black kids are receptive to alternatives , to different life plans .
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