Example sentences of "[being] give to " in BNC.

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1 Strathclyde Regional Council may provide further funding and consideration is being given to the possible employment of a part-time nurse .
2 Divisions in the book are unusually clear , separate chapters being given to topics such as function , the market , or the historical and political background of the subject .
3 There is often a rush to create something new without enough thought being given to the physical problems they may cause .
4 I have noticed recently that in the climbing world some consideration is being given to the lack of participation by black people .
5 The mujahedin have been using US-supplied Chinese and Egyptian-made rockets in recent years to shell Kabul , but there has been no previous evidence of Western rockets being given to the guerrillas .
6 I consider also that the decision in question was flawed to a degree by undue weight being given to the question of a disorderly collapse . ’
7 Beef classes at the show were generally stronger than the dairy entries , and chief steward Peter Horrell said that next year consideration was being given to making all the purebred beef classes EBL free .
8 Not all tactical voters , of whom there are many in this affluent suburb , were so impressed by the high profile being given to Mr Ashdown — and nobody else — in the Liberal Democrat campaign .
9 A woman knelt down next to one of the stricken and bleeding girls and told her she got what she deserved ; another tried to prevent first-aid being given to the policeman and taunted his suffering .
10 Greater attention is now being given to the training of front-line paraprofessional personnel in order to have a greater impact on the country 's social development needs ( Pathah. 1983 ) .
11 I have the impression that in some quarters no thought is being given to what discoveries might be round the corner and in others no provision is being made to take advantage of them .
12 It was refreshing to see how much importance is now being given to producing both valid and acceptable analytical results .
13 The next chapter covers the synthesis of peptides , with roughly equal weight being given to the subjects of protecting groups and coupling procedures .
14 So far as state education is concerned , increasingly free rein is being given to this power .
15 If cases were selected for a particular disposal at random , Galloway suggested , how could proper consideration be being given to the welfare of the child in every case ?
16 The House of Commons Select Committee found that insufficient weight was being given to parents ' views in the assessment process .
17 Tradition has the Nail being given to Sant' Ambrogio by the Emperor Constantine .
18 Rudder speaks of the manor being given to Flaxley Abbey by the Earl of Hereford , and that the ‘ Abbat had a grant of an iron forge and of two oaks every week out of the Forest of Dean , for the maintenance of the forge , of King Henry the Second ’ .
19 ‘ Particular attention is being given to the possible ending of UK participation at the treaty renewal point in 1992 , ’ says Phillips .
20 Neo-Malthusianism was further attacked in ways already discussed in Chapter 2 , but also drew what in the authors ' opinion was a misplaced and utopian analysis from the Marxist literature based solely on a critique of bourgeois ideology , without serious attention being given to the effects of rapid population growth in any social formation , transitional to socialism or towards any other social order .
21 From 1989 , the changing international political climate and the bad press following the murder by elements in the army of six Jesuit priests in December 1989 has led the US Congress to question more closely the level of support being given to the government of El Salvador .
22 From the answers a narrative history can be written , and perhaps published in the local press or parish magazine , full credit ( with photographs ) being given to the people who provided all the information .
23 All the folk having grazing rights according to the poor rate assessment of 1833 received their apportioned share of the fields , ‘ due consideration being given to the public carriage roads , drift ways and public halter paths or bridle ways through and over the [ land ] divided and enclosed . ’
24 You may be asking for inner guidance on a daily basis , not knowing that inspiration is already being given to you every time the need arises within your life .
25 The content of the different lengths of music inputs would be planned in sequence — more time being given to music activity as the music programme evolves .
26 The overall costs of implementing RMI are also beginning to be a worry and it seems likely that there will be a slowing down of large-scale implementation with a preference being given to smaller more gradualistic approaches to providing information needs .
27 Reorganization is fitted into a model which already exists without sufficient attention always being given to those parts which do not fit very well .
28 Provided the Conservatives do not get a working majority in the General Election we can hope to see some attention being given to our access problems at last and increasing awareness and support from the general public .
29 In Germany the Federal Infrastructure Plan of 1985 makes provision for 4,500km of high speed line including 800km of new line ; in Italy and the Alta Velocita network will consist of 2,200km of new and upgraded line in a T shape linking Milan , Rome , Naples , Turin , and Venice ; in France the TGV ( Train a Grande Vitesse ) network will eventually total 7,000km including 2,300km of new lines such as the recently announced TGV Nord which will link with the Channel Tunnel : and in Spain the government has decided to adopt the standard European gauge for all new high speed lines with priority being given to the Madrid-Cordoba-Seville and the Madrid-Saragossa-Barcelona-French border lines .
30 However , as time goes by and the problem of unemployment does not seem to diminish more thought is being given to the specific problems of those applying for work while out of a job .
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