Example sentences of "[pn reflx] up the " in BNC.

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1 We dragged ourselves up the wide , eroded mess of a path that leads to Ben Lawers and up into the storm .
2 Because personal power is the promotion of self , we send positive data on ourselves up the hierarchy and forget to send the negative data — that is , we tell our superiors how good we are .
3 Grant brought up the rear , using his arms only to haul himself up the rope .
4 Masklin pulled himself up the wire and on to the table , feeling very exposed .
5 Masklin swung backwards and forwards , trying to pull himself up the rough cloth .
6 Then , without another word , he hauled himself up the ladder , leaving her wide-eyed , speechless , and so confused that she wanted to scream .
7 Tucking a clean pale blue T-shirt into his shorts , he did n't even glance in her direction , but called over his shoulder as he hoisted himself up the ladder , ‘ I 'll expect a mug of tea in five minutes . ’
8 Ian shook himself free from his bunk , pulled on his flannels and swung himself up the companionway and on to the deck .
9 She ran down the gangplank and watched as the dog heaved himself up the bank , dragging his burden .
10 Rolling over , he assumed a sitting position and used his heels to push himself up the slates on his backside until he was seated astride the apex of the roof .
11 So after a brief twelve months in existence , ACE has paddled itself up the Swanee , its dream of emulating the success of the personal computer revolution now just a pipe-dream .
12 When he had gone , she dragged herself up the iron staircase to her own room .
13 With a final gesture she put the key on the sill of the narrow window and pulled herself up the stone steps .
14 She left him to pull herself up the bannisters to bed , thinking back to the inordinately exciting first summer when Comfort and Anthony had rented their house outside Oxford and she had fallen in love .
15 Pull yourself up the slope with the pick head and then keep your balance by sticking the other end into the ground .
16 I pulled myself up the safety line and made my way past the tangle of tethers up to the surface , where the boat tender was frantically pulling in all the lines .
17 A cow once kicked me nearly to the other end of the byre and as I picked myself up the farmer said unemotionally , " Aye , she 's allus had a habit o' that . "
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