Example sentences of "[adj -er] than be " in BNC.

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1 Actual German losses in fact seem to have been much lighter than were claimed ; two Ju87Bs of the Gruppenstab were lost over Valetta , returning crews reporting that both Oblt .
2 It would be more acceptable if the dam made electricity , but it is silted up because the water analysis got muddled up and the river is much siltier than was originally expected .
3 Consequently , it may be used more easily and fine tuning in earlier stages of design is much easier than is the case with an optimization technique .
4 " in a school such as ours where the teaching has distinct literary and mathematical pretensions and in which school hours are shorter than is the case in some parts of the country there is not , under present conditions , sufficient time for the proper development of both subjects : and experts are nearly unanimous in the opinion that Physics affords a better intellectual training than Chemistry , and the expense and risk in maintaining a Physical Laboratory is also distinctly less . "
5 the Palladium — a cheap trick to try and convince the punters that they were in somewhere far classier than was really the case .
6 One act or speech is as arbitrary as another , being in the wrong car with the wrong man is in no way stranger than being in the wrong country in the wrong job .
7 It followed that punishments should be no harsher than was necessary to achieve reductivist ends by means of deterrence ; from this he derived his proposal for a tariff of fixed , certain penalties , proportionate to the offence but relatively mild by the standards of his own day .
8 In the halcyon days of the 1960s , it was lower than is dreamed of now : inflation and unemployment shuffled along together comfortably within ranges of , respectively , 0.8%-6.3% and 1.5%-2.6% .
9 I wish to alter the low range gearing in the transfer box to something lower than is already fitted in my V8 109 and would appreciate a ‘ crawler ’ gear .
10 The 600 's usual thinline profile ( body thickness of 1″ ) has been retained on the Atlantis , but the bridge is lower than is usual for a Rick and the pickups have been countersunk to accommodate a lower playing action across the body .
11 lot of the people who are complaining here are people who are complaining that their an assessment has been made which was very much lower than is necessary for bringing up children .
12 Due to the development of an instrument which can staple the ends of the rectum together lower than was previously possible , fewer abdomino-perineal resections now need to be performed .
13 It is suggested that no compartment of a high-bay warehouse should be bigger than is able to be covered by one sprinkler system .
14 One thing that we did was find that there were molecules much , much bigger than was expected in the sense that there were many , many more carbon atoms involved than had previously been thought possible , and even now we just do not understand the processes whereby they are formed .
15 There is nothing better than having praise from someone whose work you respect , nothing nicer than being able to pat an old friend on the back and say sincerely how much you like their work .
16 The juxtaposition of a raised aqueduct close to the granary was not , one might think , a particularly sensible arrangement , as seepage from the aqueduct could well have made the granary , despite its raised floor , damper than was desirable .
17 Garden centres are not the best places to buy hedging plants in large numbers : specimens are usually larger than is ideal ( large plants take longer to establish ) and more expensive than small plants bought by the dozen or hundred from specialist nurseries .
18 Throughout much of urban Spain the lower-middle class , whilst larger than is sometimes suggested , was engaged in relatively small-scale economic activities involving little in the way of enterprise : family-based manufacturing , localized commerce , a primitive service sector , and not least important the buying , selling and leasing of land — a major middle-class preoccupation since the disentailment of the Church 's landed property in the mid-nineteenth century .
19 It 's made the committee larger than is usually thought effective has n't it ?
20 At the top of the atrium , the pitched-roof-profile roof-light was made larger than was strictly necessary in order to provide a conservatory complete with tropical plants ( Plate 48 ) which leads out on to a landscaped roof garden capping the western half of the building .
21 These remaining few have invariably grown much larger than was previously possible when there was so much competition for the available food .
22 They were never larger than was necessary for them to be seen from the next point along the line but were higher than the tops of any forest trees in the vicinity .
23 It was fashioned of sandalwood , beautifully carved , and no larger than was needed to hold a psalter .
24 But the the results for the ten percent were were better than is had nothing for me .
25 For the same reason pick-up after treatment and time of return home may also be better than is the case with the larger non-emergency ambulance .
26 partly this was because the current account deficit appears much smaller in current ( 1980s ) data than it was thought to be by contemporaries ; mainly , it would seem , because the invisible position was actually much better than was then realized .
27 There is nothing a five-year-old likes better than being read to , although he may spend considerable time looking at books himself and may even pretend to read .
28 And it 's better than being fat .
29 There is nothing better than being able to pick a juicy apple or succulent pear straight from your own tree .
30 ‘ Being the sexiest man alive is better than being the sexiest man dead . ’
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