Example sentences of "[adj -er] or [adv] " in BNC.

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1 It could n't be simpler or easier .
2 Maintaining your new figure has never been simpler or more effective .
3 Braque 's interest in space gives his work an ‘ overall ’ quality , which has ever since remained one of the main features of his style , whereas in Picasso 's painting the attention is usually riveted on the subject while the background or surround is often treated in a simpler or more cursory fashion .
4 And because nothing ever seems healthier or more warming than looking back at something we have just done and realising , ‘ Mmmm .
5 There has , for instance , long been a debate over whether a zebra 's stripes make it easier or harder to see .
6 One important theme in the remainder of this chapter is the extent to which a modular course design has made it easier or harder to seize opportunities and work within constraints .
7 So let's have a little look at what cos squared X means erm that cos squared three X , cam I have given you X times cos squared three X to integrate do you think that would have been easier or harder ?
8 Would such a move have m–de it easier or more difficult to confront the local police about their failure to protect the black community from racial attack ?
9 Getting your hands on your money could hardly be easier or quicker .
10 Thus a stream of pulses lasting 1 second each and given at 10 second intervals could be the ‘ background ’ ( they could be sound pulses or pulses on a screen , for example ) ; the ‘ signal ’ being sought could be the absence of a pulse , one that was shorter or longer than the standard value or one that appeared too soon or too late .
11 Whether shorter or longer , the important thing is to make it serve you so that it becomes not a burden but a means of personal reflection and integration .
12 Copper pipe is sold in lengths , typically of 2m or 3m , though you can buy shorter or longer ( up to 6m ) lengths from plumbers ' merchants .
13 The theory also claims that while some languages ( e.g. Russian and Arabic ) have stress-timed rhythm similar to that of English , others ( such as French , Telugu and Yoruba ) have a different rhythmical structure called syllable-timed rhythm ; in these languages , all syllables , whether stressed or unstressed , tend to occur at regular time-intervals and the time between stressed syllables will be shorter or longer in proportion to the number of unstressed syllables .
14 What has been called his ‘ exact and scientific attitude to bird-life ’ then gave rise to a series of important books on birds — Bird Display ( 1942 ) and its sequel Bird Display and Behaviour ( 1947 ) , The Wren ( 1955 ) , The Folklore of Birds ( 1958 ) , A Study of Bird Song ( 1963 ) , and The Life and Lore of Birds ( 1975 ) — as well as a number of shorter or more popular works .
15 ‘ I will now beg leave to make some observations on the distance of the Veterinary College from the Town — first — because the Society has no rival to dread in an establishment of this nature — secondly — whether the Infirmary is situated a Mile further or nearer it will not prevent people of sense from sending their Horses there — thirdly — the resident pupils being distant from places of dissipation , it will protect their morals and they will employ their time in study .
16 He added : " It is a strange world we live in where it is not all right to kill some animals because they are prettier or more intelligent than others . "
17 And handbag designers do n't come much younger , prettier or more stylish than Anya Hindmarch .
18 The benefits of an intuitive , multi-media , multi-tasking operating system will be what tips the scales — not whether the applications themselves are prettier or faster .
19 A family with a rounded flat disk covered by small imbricating plates amongst which the centrodorsal and primary plates usually distinct ; the radial shields small , length less than half the radius of the disk , well separated from one another ; the jaw broader or as broad as long ; usually one sometimes two apical papillae flanked by 5–7 oral papillae on each side the distalmost slightly curved and extending beneath the largest oral papilla just proximal to it , it is possible that this distalmost papillae is part of the second oral tentacle pore ; the adoral shields large and wing-like ; the oral shield large , rounded triangular or arrow shaped , usually longer than broad ; the arms long and slender ; the dorsal and ventral arm plates well developed and contiguous at least proximally ; the tentacle pores moderately large each armed with one or two flat leaf-like tentacle scales ; usually three times long , erect arm spines , equal in length to two arm segments .
20 The third sub-type of academic course is less easy to describe , but it is broader or more general than the two-subject degree .
21 But the term was also available for broader or more informal tendencies .
22 There is a fortune on offer for the side that go into the European Cup 's mini-league , the build-up has been intense and not many of the players will have taken part in a bigger or more crucial event .
23 If the transferred employee insists on moving into bigger or more ‘ up market ’ accommodation , the excess mortgage allowance is based on the price of housing comparable with that owned in the old area .
24 For all his silence , he was passionate , not desolate ; if there was a sadness or loss there , it was bigger or deeper or stranger than the loss of one person .
25 Would the three quarters get bigger or less ?
26 Some potential buyers will require lengthier or more technical demonstrations than others .
27 You note your arguments on a piece of paper ; they look wrong , so you edit the notes , making them clearer or more coherent .
28 There , four- and even five-year rotations , with only short grass leys between to restore soil structure and fertility , are quite normal on the ploughable land ; permanent grass or long leys are confined to the steeper or more difficult fields .
29 never had … the Queen looked happier or more charming . ’
30 I can think of no better , happier or more beautiful place for watching his county side being defeated than the Worcestershire county cricket ground .
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