Example sentences of "[adj -er] people have " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , we often find that older workers themselves believe that younger people have the greater right to a job , particularly in times of high unemployment .
2 Younger people have been brought up in a different way from the way our parents and grandparents were .
3 In turn this has resulted in the need to develop explanations to justify why younger people have ceased looking after the needs of their elderly relatives .
4 Younger people have a natural tendency to believe that the science they practise has been extant for the whole of time .
5 Regrettably , many younger people have no experience of the work ethic within their homes .
6 Just as important as the specific commitment is the general recognition that older people have potential in the same way as the rest of the population , and that this should be given the chance to develop .
7 On the other hand , what older people have in common is in some ways more striking than the class differences between them .
8 He believes that older people have had a raw deal , and through his writing he hopes to show where things have gone wrong and how more positive attitudes could be developed .
9 Older people have absorbed these attitudes which they once held as young people , and lead their lives in ways which confirm the stereotyped images , and perpetuate the myths of ageism from generation to generation .
10 Despite these disadvantages , many older people have been able to maintain their social status by remaining active , alert and healthy .
11 The result is a tendency to ‘ blame the victim ’ , a belief that older people have caused the plight in which they find themselves .
12 The second area requiring legislation is where older people have been discriminated against to such an extent that they have been put in jeopardy .
13 If there was recognition that older people have the capacity but are not given the opportunity for participation and decision-making in , for example , the way residential care and nursing homes are run , then a lot of things would have to change .
14 Also , the gradual increase in the value of the basic pension in relation to average earnings is essential if we are to overcome the ageist assumption that older people have lesser needs than younger people .
15 older people have a role in training health and social care professionals .
16 Many older people have accepted their depressed and unhappy status .
17 Older people have many topics of conversation to share .
18 They tend to deny that older people may have issues and agendas that they may wish to discuss , and they ignore the fact that many older people have the ability and interest to organize matters for themselves .
19 Groups of older people have the potential to develop as the vehicle for the counselling of older people by older people , offering mutual emotional support for group members in times of stress .
20 Older people have specific advantages in providing help and support for their peers .
21 Many pre-eminent people working with older people have considered reminiscence a mixed blessing , particularly for those whose past life experience seems to have lacked fulfilment and purpose .
22 With such understanding , the complaints and uncertainties older people have about the ‘ modern ’ world can be more fully appreciated and understood .
23 However , it is increasingly accepted as ‘ the norm ’ , something that older people have to expect , a ‘ natural ’ element in the process of growing old .
24 To a considerable extent , older people have learnt to respond appropriately to the dominant social expectations of old age , but often entirely inappropriately to their own feelings and needs .
25 Many older people have never had a satisfactory sexual relationship , for a variety of reasons , and if this is so there is no reason to believe that the period of old age is likely to see new beginnings in this respect .
26 Many older people have been found to have low levels of vitamin C , and by increasing the dietary intake the problems can be overcome .
27 I have had two experiences in which the mental health problems of older people have been successfully treated by a homeopath .
28 Those who are practising psychotherapy with older people have valuable experience which social workers can adapt for use in working with elderly clients .
29 Moreover , we have to make sure that older people have increased opportunities for personal fulfilment after their retirement from employment which may have been both meaningful and given them their self-esteem .
30 The application of QALY theory would result in old people having less chance of cardiac surgery than younger people for two main reasons : firstly , the operation is likely to have a higher mortality and morbidity for older people ; secondly , older people have in general a shorter life expectancy and therefore fewer life years to gain from the operation .
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