Example sentences of "[pn reflx] [that] you " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Ye told me yerself that ye do n't like it here . ’
2 ‘ That was important to her , I suppose she could convince herself that you belonged to her . ’
3 ‘ It did n't occur to you , ’ he suggested , ‘ that it was n't the poor lady herself that you heard ? ’
4 COUNTESS : [ to PAMELA ] I come to tell you all that has passed between Mr. Belville and myself that you may not think worse of either of us than we deserve .
5 Either I have to give you so much information about myself that you are forced to admit that I could no more have killed my wife than Flaubert could have committed suicide ; or else I merely say , That 's all , that 's enough .
6 ‘ I had no difficulty in persuading myself that you 'd be willing .
7 Speechlessly Fabia stared at him , and he went on to explain , ‘ Then last night , after a sublime day , we went out to dine and I began to admit to myself that you were getting to me in a big way . ’
8 Just tell yourself that you 're cold . ’
9 It is when you give of yourself that you truly give .
10 A malinger round the monument is worth your while , if only for the extraordinary view down Loch Shiel and to reassure yourself that you will soon be leaving behind all the people milling idly around their coaches , to whom 1745 means quarter to six .
11 Once you have assured yourself that you are doing your best in this respect , you can go on to look at other possible causes , if you still feel generally unfit or without a zest for life .
12 It might be an idea to consider whether you have ‘ programmed yourself ’ to be an insomniac by telling yourself that you are one of those people who ‘ never finds it easy to fall asleep ’ .
13 If you are suffering pangs of remorse because of some unintentional action in the past , do n't you think it might be time to tell yourself that you will be more careful in the future — and let the guilt go ?
14 On one side list all the things about yourself that you like ; on the other put all the things you do not like .
15 Decide on three things about yourself that you would like to change and tackle them calmly one at a time .
16 Acknowledge their existence and tell yourself that you will think about them later — then let them go .
17 Be steadfast and make a pledge to yourself that you will no longer compromise in any way .
18 It is clearly easier to spot other people making mistakes than either to catch yourself or to admit to yourself that you did so .
19 You can then realistically reassure yourself that you have nothing to worry about .
20 It 's almost as if you have to convince yourself that you did n't do it . ’
21 You have already proved to yourself that you can find enough willpower to stick to this programme for three days .
22 And remind yourself that you have worked very hard indeed to achieve the success you are now enjoying and you jolly well deserve it .
23 Having convinced yourself that you can safely find the ‘ hold ’ switch and abort an autorotation landing , you should beware of making a habit of this .
24 A male teacher can antagonize you , attract you , provoke you into working harder , and make you aware of aspects of yourself that you did not know existed ; if these have potential , a man can apply a useful sort of pressure to make you develop them .
25 Although this book can give you ideas , general hints and tips on how to press and arrange flowers , it is not until you really start designing pictures for yourself that you will have mastered the skill needed for this craft .
26 It can be helpful to ask yourself , when plagued with conscious guilt , whether you want to do something , rather than telling yourself that you should .
27 Remind yourself that you can evaluate what 's been said , and take time to consider it .
28 In this exercise you will prove to yourself that you can invent something quite new , a change which perhaps connects with your own life but is seen from the outside , happening to someone else .
29 Do n't think to yourself that you will have to wait a week for that garter stitch sweater — that 's the negative approach .
30 You can then congratulate yourself for going over your time , or at least by persevering satisfy yourself that you have made a little headway .
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