Example sentences of "[pn reflx] [coord] all " in BNC.

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1 Becoming aware means taking responsibility for ourselves and all areas of our health and well-being .
2 We think we do things for ourselves and all we do is live in odd corners of their world — under their floors , stealing things .
3 There 's , we , we 've been struggling and trying to do ourselves and all we have to do is to allow Christ to come in to our lives , because he died to take away the sin , he dealt with the route cause of it , Christ in you , the hope of glory .
4 We 've repeated ourselves and all this lot and he said well no if you 're like coming out with sayings like chill out man
5 himself and all he is
6 The reprobate ( the condemned ) fall under the judgement imposed on man because Adam broke his ‘ covenant ’ with God , a ‘ covenant of works ’ in which he and his descendants were promised eternal life upon condition of their obedience , which condition he failed to observe , thus plunging himself and all his seed into ruin .
7 Jerome had done foully , but not so foully as he himself and all here believed .
8 The normal procedure is for one of the debentureholders , on behalf of himself and all other holders to commence a debentureholder 's action , the first step of which will be the appointment of a receiver .
9 and Graeme Hick finally came good — to the might releif of himself and all at New Road .
10 The man , 27 , who carried two hand grenades and had threatened to kill himself and all 80 passengers and crew unless he , his wife and baby son reached New York , surrendered to police in Stockholm on Saturday evening after five hours of tense runway negotiations .
11 The hijacker threatened to use the grenades to kill himself and all 80 passengers and crew unless he was taken to New York .
12 Subsidiary targets are Earl Howe , Gummer 's spokesman in the Lords , your own Scottish Secretary , Ian Lang , the environment ministers , Michael Howard and Lord Strathclyde , John Major himself and all Scottish Tory MPs .
13 The senior partner usually drafted these announcements himself but all the partners felt that , given the chance , they could do it better .
14 Since then the Communist Party has disbanded itself and all Stalinist elements have been removed from the Hungarian constitution .
15 for when every commandment of the law had been declared by Moses to all the people , he took the blood of calves and goats , with water and scarlet wool and hyssop , and sprinkled both the book itself and all the people , saying , ‘ This is the blood of the covenant which God commanded you . ’
16 Pleas 'd with itself and all the World beside ,
17 Each block appeared to be complete in itself and all were identical .
18 The room itself and all its fixtures and fittings are so filthy as to be almost picturesque .
19 KPMG on behalf of itself and all other member firms of KPMG does not accept responsibility for any information contained herein and disclaims all liability to any person or entity arising out of or in connection with such information .
20 KPMG on behalf of itself and all other members of KPMG does not accept responsibility for any information contained herein and disclaims all liability to any person or entity arising out of or in connection with such information .
21 No I thought to myself you do not deserve this death and the you I was thinking of was not the fish itself but all those people standing on the bank .
22 And thus it was , that February evening , that she came to be standing at the top of the monumental sweep of the staircase , under the huge doorway , pausing for a moment , offering tribute to herself and all her gods .
23 He was able to pass on to Nicholson authoritative recollections of seeing huge worms crawl out of biscuits , eating a plum that was alive , seeing his wife sitting beside herself and all that kind of hallucinatory experience .
24 and felt herself and all her senses
25 My own tears , hot noisy gulping that burns and blotches , that neither you nor any of the women in the group is going to offer to staunch , tears of anger for myself and all of us , anger with the women in the group for making me face up to what I 'm doing to you , for making me want to take out those dusty bundles of old stories from where they 've lain for my lifetime tied up with pink ribbon and reread them and throw them away .
26 It had a profound effect on myself and all ranks who were forced to watch , "
27 The children fight a lot , wo n't do as they are told , I never get any time for myself and all I seem to do is to wash , clean and pick up after them .
28 The people in the business had lost confidence in themselves and all in all it was a dismal picture .
29 Directors have sometimes been called trustees , or commercial trustees , sometimes they have been called managing partners ; it does not matter much what you call them as long as you understand what their true position is , which is really that they are commercial men managing a trading concern for the benefit of themselves and all the other shareholders … they are bound to use fair and reasonable diligence in the management of the company 's affairs and to act honestly .
30 ‘ Many people believe that depression is something that the sufferer brings on themselves and all they have to do is pull themselves together , ’ explained Sean O'Reilly of Aware .
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