Example sentences of "[pn reflx] [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Loving ourselves has to come first .
2 When , after that , we used to hear controversy about Dr Paisley and later heard about his imprisonment in 1966 , because of that afternoon when we heard the gospel preached with power and conviction , we found ourselves tending to take his side in the controversy .
3 The fact a small region , and we call ourselves a region , that 's how we got the grants , we now see ourselves developing to support our colleagues in and see the need for a strong regional approach which my colleague will mention later .
4 Thus are we victims of various sorts of obsession when certain parts of ourselves seek to preserve themselves even at the expense of the whole personality .
5 We must allow ourselves time to grieve for the past but the guards had no such time .
6 By checking ourselves a moment before taking action , we give ourselves time to use our reasoning powers in investigating the most efficient and appropriate way of performing such an action .
7 In everyday affairs we formulate a generalization when we find ourselves beginning to expect consequences as before to follow when conditions are as before .
8 After advancing at a snail 's pace for many years , we suddenly find ourselves invited to participate in a Gadarene rush towards economic and political union .
9 Nicholas Blurton-Jones of the Institute of Child Health at the University of London , insists that ‘ Whenever we find ourselves wishing to qualify a description with an adverb or an adjective , it is clear that there is something we have failed to describe . ’
10 Here we may meet , may ourselves have felt anger , revulsion , even hatred .
11 As ITN 's Purvis points out : ‘ Increasingly , we 're going to find ourselves having to argue that news is good business — but I do n't think that 's too difficult . ’
12 Add to that arguments over which defence budget benefits most from conventional troop reductions , if as seems likely these are agreed in Vienna in the course of 1990 , and we will find ourselves having to bargain over most of the central issues of foreign policy and public expenditure with our West European partners within the same political and institutional framework .
13 So do not let ourselves go seeking instant conversions or any of that jazz .
14 It would be too easy to let ourselves get carried away , do something we might regret later . ’
15 Yes , I believe we may find ourselves forced to approach the whole question of happiness , which philosophers have gone round and about for so long .
16 The possibility that we belong to such a so-called noumenal realm ( that is , a realm of things in themselves ) in our true being , also suggests dimly how it can be possible that ultimately we are free agents , who can cause ourselves to act according to the moral law , whatever the pressures upon us , in spite of the fact that at the level of appearance we are simply parts of the natural order of cause and effect , and as such merely animals impelled by our instinctive desires
17 It goes without saying that almost invariably the instances of animal behaviour that we find ourselves discussing involve adult creatures .
18 We need the sound of words , too , when we ourselves come to write , for the prosody of written language is an important element in its clarity and power .
19 It seems or it seemed to us till lately — a natural thing that love ( under certain conditions ) should be regarded as a noble and ennobling passion : it is only if we imagine ourselves trying to explain this doctrine to Aristotle , Virgil , St Paul , or the author of Beomuy , that we become aware how far from natural it is .
20 At that time we will be able to say that funding agencies are failing to recognize as important something that we ourselves have embraced .
21 Rivalry persisted through the 1860s and '70s and in 1881 Gaze produced a pamphlet which claimed that certain companies were apt to ‘ monopolise powers which are the property of all Tourist Agents , and in the development of which we ourselves have borne so important a part ’ .
22 In most encounters with discourse , especially written discourse , we are in some way prepared for what is coming , if only because we ourselves have sought it out with a clear purpose ( Widdowson 1983 ) .
23 We human beings ourselves have become a threat to our planet .
24 It seems rather grandiose to label a talk with a colleague in the same office or department as an ‘ interview ’ , but in some ways it could be considered to be one , especially if our colleague is an expert in the field in which we ourselves have become interested .
25 All was cleared up later when the hotel manager came to investigate but our sympathies must go to the hapless Security Gorilla , as recent photographic evidence proves that mistaking Bob Dylan for a tramp with salubrious lodgings in Cardboard City is something even hardened celeb watchers like ourselves have done at some point or another .
26 We do not wish to commit the mistake that Woolgar believes is widespread in social science : namely , of suggesting that the only knowledge which is not subject to the influence of contingent historical , cultural , and social processes is that which we ourselves have written ( Woolgar 1988b ) .
27 It is difficult to relax with them , and even with each other , under such circumstances , perhaps especially in those ‘ social ’ events where we have a perfect right to do so , events which we ourselves have organized .
28 Many libraries like ourselves have asked themselves to what extent the retention of these books [ rare books ] in any way contributes to the objectives of a modern public library .
29 In sociology , for example , we are most explicit about those procedures which we ourselves have invented or developed , that is quantitative procedures .
30 Because for two years for two years the intentions of the Conservative group , which have been the intentions of ourselves have delivered on the Moat Highfield questions , delivered nothing .
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