Example sentences of "[pn reflx] [conj] had " in BNC.

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1 I realise now that we were trying to find an interest for ourselves and had done the classic thing of looking for it in a new environment which actually involved more adjustment and less ease than if we had stayed where we were .
2 And this is not the only place in The Exile where Pound shows himself restive inside the image of himself that had been built up among initiates by his propaganda of fifteen years before , when he had taken over ‘ imagism ’ and championed Ford Madox Ford 's ideas about a diction for poetry that should be ‘ plain ’ and ‘ direct ’ .
3 The killing of Polanski 's wife — who was in her last month of pregnancy and carrying a ‘ perfectly formed ’ baby son , also murdered — along with three friends and a totally unconnected young man of eighteen who had been visiting a caretaker living in the grounds , naturally caused Polanski extreme mental torture , made worse by the knowledge that he had promised to return to the house himself and had not made it in time .
4 He had designed many buildings himself and had employed architects in subordinate capacity , such as Matthew Digby Wyatt at Paddington Station .
5 Tom handed him a towel and after he had dried himself and had his hair rubbed and combed and had put his pyjamas on , he sat down on the pouffe by the armchair while Tom sat ready to tell him a story .
6 He had not spoken to Miss Needham-Burrell himself and had no idea how old she was .
7 Athelstan snorted with laughter and leaned forward , his arms crossed , as if he was talking to himself and had forgotten the coroner sitting beside him .
8 He was elegant in a long black close-fitting Indian coat ; and when he shook Mr Biswas by the hand Mr Biswas surrendered to his graciousness , at the same time noting with satisfaction that Pankaj Rai was as short as himself and had an equally ugly nose .
9 He had used the rest buying drinks to console himself and had then staggered back to the flat for the night .
10 He married at 21 to create a cover for himself and had two children .
11 Worse was to come though for Horsham as following a fifty fifty challenge on the edge of the Abingdon area , striker Paul Walker injured himself and had to be stretchered off .
12 We started the gradual process of bringing him back into work , hoping that he had been through all his disasters in one go : first he cut himself and had to be stitched , and then he got kicked on the hock .
13 It was n't the sight of the dog itself that had driven her indoors , but the certainty that the police would soon be arriving .
14 The Commission 's president , five vice-presidents and commissioners were nominated by the member governments but were supposedly loyal to the EEC itself and had departments created under them , just like a government .
15 The cat had stopped cleaning itself and had curled up asleep in a little pool of sunshine .
16 Polish television reported on April 20 that the Citizens ' Movement for Democratic Action Party ( ROAD ) , established in July 1990 by Solidarity supporters [ see pp. 37620-21 ] , had dissolved itself and had re-formed as the Democratic-Social Movement .
17 When she had aimed the bottle at Gazzer 's head , years of pent-up hurt and frustration had spilled over into violence : violence which she had previously directed against herself or had lived through only in her mind .
18 It was by her own choice that she had married Cliff , not Steve : it was she herself that had seduced Cliff , in a field of cow parsley on a May evening .
19 His fingers touched hers and his heart gave a jolt , but she seemed perfectly in command of herself and had apparently felt nothing , so he told himself not to be a dope , and carried his coffee back to the chesterfield .
20 Not a real law of course , but a rule Carrie had made up for herself and had stuck to , until she forgot it today .
21 Only a few years before , Camille had been acutely concerned about her mother 's appearance , sometimes refusing to be seen with her in public , but now it seemed that she no longer minded : she had expropriated from Scarlet 's wardrobe those few articles that she felt would suit herself and had thereafter left her mother to her own devices .
22 She had made a complete fool of herself and had successfully lived down to every low opinion that Piers harboured about her .
23 This morning she had fought a battle with herself and had left off the concealing shirt .
24 She was mysterious about herself but had plenty to say on the subject of her boyfriends .
25 Perhaps it 's a one-off you made yourself or had made for you , or maybe you run up spectacular gowns as a matter of course .
26 Perhaps I was ashamed of feeling sorry for myself and had to transfer the pity to something else .
27 So then I freed myself and had my first lesbian relationship and now I live on my own . ’
28 The fact that radicals both inside and outside parliament were often divided among themselves and had no uniform political views or remedies was emphasized by their ineffectiveness in the Economic Advisory Committee in the 1930s .
29 From the beginning heads of missions had had secretaries who often played an important role ; but these had been recruited and paid by the diplomats themselves and had been merely their personal servants .
30 At the root of the problem were the Scottish campaigns of 1480–2 , which had not only been expensive in themselves but had brought continuing expenditure on defence , notably through the acquisition of Berwick .
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