Example sentences of "[adj -er] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ’ It 's a bit farther for you . ’
2 It was nearer for me .
3 While we have to accept that some people have had a good go at blowing up the present inhabitant , would it not be simpler for her to emulate a previous incumbent and move up the road to Admiralty House ?
4 Make life simpler for yourself and better for the seedlings by sowing thinly in rows , rather than scattering the seeds randomly over the surface of the compost .
5 This made things much simpler for his advisers because they knew exactly the sort of information Reagan wanted to hear .
6 Yeah it it means that you can point out that it makes it a lot simpler for someone to just pop over for a night and crash out on the floor .
7 ‘ Would n't it have been simpler for you to be independent back home ? ’
8 It 'll be healthier for 'im than here . ’
9 ‘ It would be so much healthier for them than city streets . ’
10 You ca n't assume that , because a particular milk is healthier for you , it 's also good for your three-year-old .
11 As a teenager she had been frail and very light , and although now she is two stone heavier , and healthier for it , she still believes that young women should be thin , even skeletally so .
12 These industries are now having to compete in the private sector and are much healthier for it .
13 These industries are now having to compete in the private sector and are much healthier for it .
14 He was taken off the ventilator , although he still had the tracheostomy and a catheter for his urine .
15 Morton reflected that if , indeed , he ever did become a royal photographer , life would be much duller for his acquaintances .
16 on an edge , the dearer for its vanishing .
17 The conversation moves on , all the better for the comment , not infrequently the gayer for it .
18 By doing this you are making it far easier for yourself to judge exactly when you should tack for the mark , since if you take the other tack it is difficult to judge how much the current will sweep you down .
19 And remember , the aim here is not to turn you into a super-mathematician but to accustom you to thinking somewhat differently to the way you were taught at school and thereby to make things easier for yourself .
20 You can make your Christmas easier for yourself and extra special for your friends .
21 As Keith explained , it was not any easier for him to take up employment with the RAF because his father had been a career forces man .
22 She did not believe Labour was now the party of home ownership , strong defence and financial rectitude : ‘ If it 's that easy for the Labour leader to give up the principles in which he does believe , wo n't it be even easier for him to give up the principles in which he does not believe ?
23 In a personal attack on Mr Kinnock — a prime target for the Conservative counter-offensive — she added : ‘ If it 's that easy for the Labour leader to give up the principles in which he does believe , wo n't it be even easier for him to give up the principles in which he does not believe ? ’
24 ‘ I guess this one 's easier for him to do than the others .
25 A shower fitment on the bath taps facing the patient makes it easier for him to wash himself thoroughly .
26 If he is to practise standing up , the plinth height may be raised , so that he is perched on the edge with his legs fairly straight : this reduces the support under his seat , but makes it easier for him to stand .
27 It was easier for him to decide what was not true .
28 I made it easier for him by saying I was n't tired , I wanted to stay up and star-gaze , and anyway the sofa in the living area was very comfortable .
29 You may remember that Cliff wore a thumb pick and two National finger picks , hence the octaves section in bars 9 and 10 would have been easier for him to pick cleanly than if he 'd used a flat pick and no fingerstyle .
30 And though Ernest might not be so pleased , it would make matters easier for him .
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