Example sentences of "[Wh pn] were [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Our main analyses were of men and women who were aged 25 to 74 at the baseline examinations .
2 Patients admitted with an acute exacerbation of COAD and who were aged 80 or less , had an arterial PaO 2 <7.5 kPa , and an arterial PaCO 2 >6 kPa , were eligible for inclusion .
3 Police were last night refusing to release the names of the dead pair , who were aged 19 and 20 , because relatives had not been informed .
4 The imprisoned Mr Mandela has met in recent months more than a dozen of the chieftains and assorted dignitaries — his Xhosa wife , Winnie , among them - who were on the podium .
5 Wolfgang Rosch , the deputy commander of the Leipzig worker 's militia , which had been out in force during recent demonstrations , admitted that members ‘ had the same concerns as the people who were on the streets ’ .
6 Five children between the ages of nine and 14 who were on their way to Germany were left in London by accompanying adults .
7 So anyway , at Khabarovsk we were eating ice-cream — there were always ice-cream sellers on the platform — and I was taking pictures of David and sneaking pictures of the soldiers who were on the platform with us but , unfortunately , they caught us at it .
8 However , they were unaware that Lewes 's party who were on their way to pick them up had been attacked , and there was confusion about the actual rendezvous point .
9 The official estimate was that the changes would result in nearly half of those pensioners who were on benefit losing some income , excluding the reduced single payment entitlements .
10 Very soon I should be talking to English people again , people who were on my side after all .
11 What we should have done of course , and did n't , was to notify the neighbours who were on fire-watching duty up and down our road .
12 These and other activities , such as commercial involvement in the conversion of a priory into a luxury hotel and the lobbying for historic designation status , created tension between the new , active residents and the majority of residents who were on low incomes and rented their homes .
13 But then , as Blackstone pointed out , the opinion gained ground that it would be to the advantage of trade , and of creditors in general , if debtors outside the scope of the bankruptcy laws who were on the point of insolvency could also surrender their property for the benefit of their creditors , and in return be protected from legal process .
14 Managers have been chosen by the old boy network , recommendations from people who were on the boards of charities .
15 Ceauşescu 's ‘ family ’ included the coterie of long-time sycophants and aides who lived in the villas around the presidential palace in northern Bucharest and who were on call to attend upon the Comrade should he feel the need for advice , flattery or entertainment .
16 Peterson , who stayed behind with Lotus , began the season with a pole position in Argentina but failed to finish ; Emerson won one of his three races at home in Brazil ; but it was already plain that the main opposition was going to come from Regazzoni and Lauda and the Ferraris , who were on one of their ascendant curves , Lauda in fact winning his first grand prix in Spain in April .
17 This is true , for we know some travellers who were on such a ship .
18 With the exception of one line-out five metres from the Braintree goal line , where McDonald plucked the ball from the air to enable Mark Wadforth to make a pressure kick to reverse the attack , it was the visitors who were on top .
19 Many years ago , I had the opportunity to read and report on the position of a group of such women who were on Supplementary Benefit .
20 The people who were on the radio when I first got into listening were really fine singers , people like Perry Como , Frank Sinatra and Bing Crosby , but good as they were , they did n't inspire me to be like them .
21 Daley countered this with his idea that black players can use the mental facility only with other blacks , believing that even the black players who had commanded football league places had not been allowed to play to their utmost because they were engulfed by whites who were on ‘ different wavelengths ’ .
22 Beyond them are the also-rans , other disaffected characters , who were on the receiving end of tempting , exciting , ego-boosting telephone calls which were never subsequently followed up , from headhunters of whom they never heard anything again .
23 Yesterday afternoon , when we came back from Pushkin , I inter-viewed the guards who were on duty when the family were kidnapped .
24 The DPP , which wants an independent Taiwan and unlike the KMT harbours no dreams about the mainland , sees itself as representing the majority of the Taiwanese , who were on the island long before the mainland influx of the late 1940s .
25 ‘ . In another occasion of indecent assault whereby a drunken soccer fan ‘ put his hand up the British Airway girl 's skirt after she tried to subdue him and a group of pals who were on the duty-frees ’ ( Star ) — both the Star and the Sun avoided naming the air hostess .
26 Some who were on the list contested their placing and felt ‘ it was unreasonable that they had lost out in the advertisement race ’ .
27 This must seem like bliss to those who were on the rack for much of the last three years .
28 Not unnaturally , it has always been traditional to see the years to 1360 as constituting a period unfavourable to France : the initiative lay largely with the English , and it was mainly the French who were on the defensive .
29 I have seen in my own area where wee lads who were on the border line of going one way or another regarding life in Northern Ireland , ending up getting jobs and doing great for a year and at the end of the year just thrown back onto the dole and people have lost interest in them again .
30 This is fighting talk , and suggests his fond memories of Maurras and the Action Française , but it was only talk — perhaps it was Eliot 's way of enlivening what he thought to be the muted tone of discussion in England ; perhaps it was also a method of inspiring his colleagues at the Moot whom he called " companions in affliction " , intellectuals or refugees who were on the periphery of events to which there was no foreseeable end .
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