Example sentences of "[Wh pn] had at " in BNC.

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1 Jeremy Taylor , who had at one time been chaplain to Archbishop Laud , was no Calvinist .
2 Immediate adult royal relatives had been embarrassingly scarce ; but there was usually a queen mother , who had at least personal legal rights as tutrix of her son .
3 There was the fat man who had woken her up , Annie who had at least made her feel slightly better , and then Cy McCray and his diet pills .
4 On the other hand , there was a slightly smaller group of people , ending up as early retired , who had at first decided to remain economically active and , for the most part , to try to find jobs .
5 In Sussex William Earnley was the son of the Chief Justice of the Common Pleas ; in contrast to most of his colleagues , who had at least £40 a year with an average of £100 , he had only £26 produced by a medley of very small properties , in addition to which he leased Cakehan manor from the bishop of Chichester .
6 This leads to a further conclusion that these wares were brought to the site by the Catuvellauni , who had at that time embarked on westward expansion .
7 Even nobles who had at one time covertly recommended such a union were alarmed by the unseemly haste , and realized that in any case the tide of national opinion was against the match .
8 So Brick , who had at first dismay ,
9 Among these last was Archbishop Reynolds who had at first excommunicated the invaders by pressing into service a ten-year-old denunciation against the Scots !
10 He had at one time used the property as a guest house and a number of people , who had at one time or another resided in the guest house , had become friends of his .
11 To the prison guards he was a dangerous criminal , but to me he was an unfortunate man , who had at least some goodness in him .
12 Analyses of changes in quality of life were performed separately for patients whose scores were all normal before treatment and for patients who had at least one score ( global score or subgrouping ) that was abnormal — that is , more than two standard deviations above results in normal people .
13 But when he caught up with Chuck , who had at last relented and allowed his breathless coolie to slow to a trot , he found the older boy grinning and lolling casually in his seat , obviously suffering no such pangs of conscience .
14 This was to ensure that , as far as possible , the teachers in the sample included only those who had either experienced the entire process of review , reporting and feedback or who had at least been involved in the review component .
15 Archbishop Adolf of Cologne , who had at first supported Otto , was threatened with excommunication .
16 People who had at first seemed so friendly and decent and open and neighbourly , but who , after two or three encounters , had turned into ravingly obsessive lunatics .
17 In this study , all endoscopic injections were performed by two endoscopists who had at least five years ' experience of endoscopic examination and one year 's experience of endoscopic injection .
18 The numbers of patients who had at least one recurrence ( 94.44 v 54.55% , p<0.02 ) , five recurrences ( 55.56 v 18.18% , p<0.02 ) , and 10 recurrences ( 33 v 9.1% , p<0.01 ) were significantly higher in the corrosive stricture group than in the peptic stricture group .
19 Early on , after Waite 's capture , when he was still separated by a wall from the others , Anderson , who had at that point had spent 2,000 days in captivity , writes of Waite , ‘ I knew he was brave , risking his life for us .
20 The trio — all of whom had at one time endured menial jobs in factories , Stock making gaskets , Aitken fizzy drinks and Waterman manufacturing telephone dials — were now at the helm of the 1980 ’ s most phenomenal Hit Factory .
21 Similar letters were addressed to A and to the company , neither of whom had at that time been charged with any offence under the Act .
22 Elena Mederos , Minister of Social Welfare , Luis Orlando Rodriguez , Minister of the Interior , Angel Fernández at the Ministry of Justice and Sori Maríin at the Ministry of Agriculture , all of whom had at least partially opposed the Agrarian Reform , were also replaced ( Thomas : 1977 , p. 447 ) .
23 They seem to have disregarded one immediately evident aspect of Mr Fraser 's life ; it being Fair Day at Strichen he had guests at lunch , one of whom had at least been sufficiently energetic to have attended a lecture Dr Johnson gave at Lichfield .
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