Example sentences of "[Wh pn] was just " in BNC.

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1 He had the figure of a rugby international and he made Wexford , who was just on six feet , feel short .
2 She coped with the press with astonishing skill for someone who was just nineteen years old , and was always painstakingly polite .
3 Mark smiled the appreciative smile of a man who was just looking , not buying .
4 This was not accidental ; Loeb had moved from Germany to Chicago , where he influenced the young J. B. Watson , who was just starting his research career .
5 However , in 1839 , she fell for Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha , who was just three months older than Elizabeth , and they were married in February 1840 .
6 A shower of jeers greeted him from the queue and , as he passed the last boy , who was just out of sight of Mr Gillis , a foot shot out , caught him on the ankle and down he went , sprawling on the wooden floor .
7 While she was doing so , she was company for little Sandy , who was just six months old and still in his pram , the image of his daddy , Bruce Mackenzie .
8 ‘ I 'm terribly sorry , ’ Angela apologised to Jessica , who was just hurrying off to her Patrol meeting .
9 Keast , who was just able to recall the Jubilee celebrations for George III in 1810 taking place at the Bullers ' home at Shillingham , was to officiate at Queen 's Victoria 's Golden Jubilee celebrations in 1887 at the age of 84 .
10 Perhaps there was someone behind me who was just about to hit me over the head .
11 My placid father who was just wiping his hands suddenly became a raging bull !
12 One member was reminded in prayer of Lydia in Acts 16 who was just ready for the gospel when Paul arrived at Philippi .
13 In a month or so , when the camera crews have left South-Central Los Angeles and weeds begin to poke their way up through the tarmac in the burned-out lots , it will be easy enough to see who was just talking and who had a genuine plan .
14 ‘ We have never really picked a figure , but if he wanted a certain player who was just over the amount we had in mind , we would let him have it . ’
15 ‘ I felt a nine-match ban was a fair punishment for Davis , who was just breaking into the England squad at the time , and I suspect the FA may make an example of Ian as well . ’
16 Andrew Wolage , also badly hurt in the accident , was wheeled from his hospital bed to cuddle his critically ill daughter Hannah , who was just 37 hours old .
17 Dancing Spirit , who was just behind Catherineofaragon at Newbury , looks a likely televised winner at Kempton today .
18 American Cook , who was just caught by Faldo for the Open at Muirfield , finished with a bogey to wreck his chances .
19 He made just 20 League appearances for Orient but had already done enough to convince Wednesday to splash out £350,000 for his services last November , quite a sum for a player who was just 17 at the time .
20 My other sister , who was just coming into her teens , Showed very little interest in her big brother 's ‘ crazy ’ owl , but kept her distance , rather like a rabbit , I thought .
21 He was n't a bit like Murray , who was just wild , all over the place .
22 Will was happy to get home , to see his daughters and John Hall , and little Elizabeth , who was just five then .
23 They could n't hold one with a defendant who was just a mangled lump of flesh . ’
24 Their only joy came from Moira , who was just old enough to appreciate Christmas , and from the visits of Bridie 's children and Theresa 's two little ones .
25 He squeezed her shoulder and went out into the hall after Pascoe who was just replacing the receiver .
26 One example being ‘ Mr Clarke ’ , who was just as good at firing musket or beating a drum , until the appearance of a ‘ pretty son ’ undid her disguise .
27 My colleague who was just up here was talking about Gillian Sheppard who 's on the cover of Direct .
28 As he helped her up , her gaze went past to him to Sabine , who was just getting out of the car to offer her assistance .
29 The door opened and Karl Gesner entered with a flourish , turned , took the tray from Frau Schmidt who was just behind him , and placed it on the table .
30 It was there that I picked up Tom Phillips , an artist who was just beginning to be sought after .
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