Example sentences of "[ex0] [modal v] have " in BNC.

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1 They reserve one day for women , and in 1886 there may have been no day reserved for women at all .
2 It is worth pointing out — as did Dr Akena Adoko in his book on the Jeffrey Archer trial — that there may have been an additional development in the folkways of the juryroom : the frequent practice of the rich ( the typical plaintiffs ) to pass on their damages to charity , as did Mr Archer , might act as an additional , and self-legitimating , incentive to take awards through the ceiling .
3 But there may have been more to the Chancellor 's remarks than meet the eye .
4 In his zeal to demonstrate that the Conservatives were committed individualists Fforde refuses to accept that there may have been real disagreements within the party .
5 THE French-owned unit-trust company Dumenil has suspended dealings in its funds , worth £33 million , after the disclosure that there may have been pricing errors in recent valuations .
6 There may have been press briefings by regulatory bodies during and after the Blue Arrow inquiry which he said called into question their impartiality .
7 David Schramm , of the University of Chicago , along with Chris Hill from Fermilab , the particle-physics laboratory just outside Chicago , has recently suggested that there may have been transitions after the microwave background was emitted .
8 Elsewhere , there may have been more support .
9 But Mr Marshall says that while there may have been a 15% reduction in area , overall output may be only 10% lower .
10 Indeed , sometimes it is not very useful , as there may have been long periods without any clear artistic developments , such as the Roman empire of the fourth and fifth centuries or the early medieval period .
11 Although most of the ‘ Lees ’ were probably Flanellys or Murphies , there may have been some Romanies present .
12 Campaigning mistakes there may have been .
13 The dental remains indicate little more than a dependence on a hard-fruit diet , and there may have been several species with this inclination .
14 There may have been some species which were attached to floating seaweed .
15 The part you require is 560794 ( Genuine Parts ) This is equivalent to GTRIII which is a Unipart number As you have fitted two of these to no avail I would try the gauge itself As your Land Rover has been fitted with a non-original switch to work the glow plugs and this has caught fire , there may have been a short circuit which damaged the voltage stabiliser and temperature sender unit and has probably damaged the gauge itself The colour of the sender unit is not significant
16 Of these , two were corn mills , one eventually became an iron works and the other probably a corn mill , although there may have been a period when it was used as a fulling mill .
17 The OFT client survey in 1985 found that organisations commissioning consulting architects were , in general , paying 10–15 per cent below the RIBA recommended scale , indicating that there may have been some small reduction in the fee income of architects after 1982 .
18 This does not necessarily mean that the genetic information has been lost , but only that there may have been some chemical modification which makes crucial genes inaccessible .
19 Little is known of eruptions there , but there may have been one in the last decade , since sets of aerial photographs of the island taken many years apart show some slight changes .
20 By contrasting the doctor 's concentration on physical ailments with the CAB worker 's lengthy advice session , there may have been an unintentional implication that CAB workers see their major role as counsellor and that it is the counselling role that is time consuming .
21 There may have been a grain of truth in this , and indeed the symptoms suffered by many people were real enough , but it was question-begging in the extreme to say that the states of mind induced were due to evil forces .
22 There may have been reasons for this lack of positive discrimination towards the older conurbations .
23 Much of this spending went on new industrial units , schemes that might take years to implement , and for which there may have been an appropriate upper limit .
24 For example , there may have been little point in devising an ‘ inner area ’ and allocating resources to it .
25 A team creates a supportive atmosphere where people are happy to go at risk , say what they really think , develop one another 's ideas and commit to an agreed course of action even though there may have been differences of opinion .
26 His powerful shooting , sometimes from long range , was spectacular and effective and we do well to remember that Albert played in the days when the leather ball grew heavier and heavier , soaking up any moisture there may have been in or on the pitch and possibly finishing up weighing several pounds .
27 In any living venture , it is impossible for any of the partners to be detached from the natural dynamics of working together in the project and there may have to be a realignment of membership during the course of the enterprise .
28 Although imperfect marketing has been cited by historians as the reason for Victor 's failure , in fact there may have been a simple operational reason .
29 During Teotihuaca/n times in the Veracruz wetlands there may have been occasional impounding of swamp water late in the dry season but perhaps not the sustained maintenance of water levels as happened in the chinampas .
30 Lastly I fear that because the Mathematics programmes came first and were so well organised and established , with the neat sequential task of curriculum development so easy to define ( despite its obvious size ) , there may have been a tendency to concentrate scarce resources upon an item which , on sober reflection , I believe now to be a lowish priority in the primary curriculum .
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