Example sentences of "[been] of [art] " in BNC.

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1 My Bible instruction to the lad had been of no avail .
2 Of those it is worth singling out D. 32.95 and D. , in which the jurist indicates ( in the first case implicitly , in the second explicitly ) that the use of the clause has turned out to have crucial consequences for the effectiveness of the testator 's will : for without it his will or some of its dispositions would have been of no force .
3 Mayer immediately protested the decision , saying the extra width could have been of no possible advantage to Hunt , a view with which I disagreed then and still disagree now , for a sporting rule is a sporting rule .
4 Accordingly , it is evident that a gift of such significance could have been of no small value to a freeholder or councillor who would otherwise have found difficulty in endowing a relative so generously at the commencement of his career .
5 I think that one important strand in the rejection of feminism by many women has been a feeling that feminists are saying that their lives have been of no value , and that their activities and concerns have been trivial .
6 If the election had been declared to be void ( as Panama and Liberia asserted ) , the Committee 's actions in the intervening period would have been of no legal effect .
7 Auntie 's exceptional eyesight had been of no particular help to her in her job : she was a filing-clerk in a block of offices , for ever sorting other people 's dull letters and dull memoranda .
8 There were entire countries , reigns , religions , philosophical systems , centuries , species and schools of art contained in its files , which had been of no interest whatsoever to the human race since it emptied its records , museums and libraries into their Al dump bin .
9 She supports the Christian Democrats ( CDU ) , who until recently have been of no consequence at all in Lauchhammer .
10 As she grew up , her father had been of no account to her .
11 Methodism has made a very rapid progress , and has been of no trifling service in diverting the attention of these sons of darkness from their present condition to the glories of the life to come .
12 Or , if prototype wingflaps worked to break the animal 's fall , you can not say " Below a certain size the flaps would have been of no use at all " .
13 ‘ If my memory serves me correct , it was you who declared that it had been of no consequence and to wipe it out , ’ he said , the adoring fiancé replaced by an aloof accuser .
14 He personified the pre-war amateur at his peak , a kindly engaging man who was well placed to have been a major influence in the game had he been of a more forceful character .
15 Her memory of the room had been of a dingy , barrack-like hall with fine plaster swags , marred by the fact that chunks of them had been missing , and they , and the room , not improved by having been painted in a weird mixture of colour : purple , pink , green , ochre , rather like the bike belonging to the old man on the S-Bahn .
16 If no organic being excepting man had possessed any mental power , or if his powers had been of a wholly different nature from those of the lower animals then we should never have been able to convince ourselves that our high faculties had been gradually developed .
17 Saner , Engineer to the Weaver Navigation , in his report to the Royal Commission on Inland Navigations in 1906 mentions Foxton Lift and its costly foundations , which might have been greatly reduced had the subsoil been of a nature or had there been available experience such as that gained in the course of the project .
18 The fact that they have been invited shows me how stone-cold almost sure Conrad Black had been of a Tory victory .
19 A great deal of diversification has been of a conglomerate , ‘ unrelated ’ nature , but it seems hard to find any justification for unrelated diversification .
20 Crossing again to the fireplace , I gazed at it with awe , and had I been of a religious bent I would have fallen on my knees and prayed that the water would meet Nigel 's requirements so that on winter evenings , when we were doing our Darby and Joan bit , we could sit and worship the spirit of the fire , the hearth , the very essence of our home .
21 His first impression of Galvone had been of a mobster , but Newman had met other reasonably honest Americans holding high positions who had made the same initial impression .
22 The most exciting discovery this year has been of a very fine Umbrian crucifix of around 1250 hitherto completely concealed by mediocre seventeenth-century painting optimistically attributed to Titian in the nineteenth century .
23 It is not at all unlikely that some pressure was put on women in these two key firms , but it may have been of a persuasive rather than an intimidating kind .
24 Lately , he had been of a mind to trace his son Arnold Thomas , but until such a day as he might be fortunate in that respect , he had no one except the lily-livered David .
25 The disruption which farmers and landowners have faced has been of a somewhat different kind : they have suffered a loss of their traditional authority over the village population which they once took virtually for granted .
26 However , Foley 's mill was probably the first erected in the midlands , and may have been of a new design .
27 In the Trocadero large quantities of objects were displayed in a crowded , haphazard fashion , and , while Picasso was undoubtedly overwhelmed by what he saw and experienced , the impression he carried away with him must have been of a very general , metaphysical kind .
28 Even the Palestine Liberation Organisation ( PLO ) , though working to a different agenda from that of other critics of the official line , felt that the Libyan contribution to the Lockerbie disaster had been of a low-level technical nature .
29 The effect of these Standing Committees has been that debates have been of a much more highly focused and objective quality .
30 They might almost have been of a different species .
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