Example sentences of "[been] put up " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Quite a number of our staff live in Wimbledon and some practical jokers have been putting up the other Graham Hadley 's pamphlets , ’ he says .
2 Till now , Ken Livingstone had been putting up a good show , joking about John Smith serving as his deputy and arguing for defence cuts to pay for benefits rather than tax increases .
3 Welcome back : For hundreds of years people with more money than sense have been putting up strange buildings on their land that seem to have no point whatsoever .
4 The ladder could have been put up against the wall any time of night — ’
5 Through the centuries about twenty-five houses had been built in Ploughman 's Lane , first of all for the minor gentry , the widows and kinsmen , for instance , of the lord of the manor ; in more recent times , equally large and widely spaced dwellings had been put up for the professional class .
6 Although David Cecil was and always had been a devout Christian , he became the favourite candidate of those who resented the ‘ clerical candidate ’ , the man who had been put up by Lewis , just because he was a Christian .
7 NEARLY £5billion has been put up by 2.2million private investors chasing water shares , it was confirmed last night , making the sale one of the most popular privatisations .
8 Nearly £5 billion has been put up by 2.2 million private investors chasing water shares , it was confirmed , making the sale one of the most popular in the Government 's privatisation programme .
9 The lease of Barrington Court in Somerset has been put up for sale by the Trust 's tenant , Mr. Andrew Lyle , along with his family 's surrounding freehold farmland .
10 Jackson had been put up at a boarding house , to await the arrival of Herbert Chapman next morning .
11 Numerous new bolt routes have recently been put up at all grades in the Dundee quarries which is acceptable within the policy , while the bolts on Lower Cave Creg , Dunkeld , are clearly not .
12 The trestles had been put up and were covered with white tablecloths of American oilcloth .
13 At No 10 , a network of scaffolding has been put up during renovations to boost security .
14 The H3 building had been put up hastily in the early 1950s to get the scientists out of their first accommodation that had been little more than Nissen huts .
15 Asterix has been put up under UnixWare , and will also announce full support for Hewlett-Packard 's OpenMail at UniForum .
16 As part of the NSE marketing drive , notices giving details of local places to visit have been put up at stations along the line , including the intermediate stops at Bures and Chappel and Wakes Colne — home of the East Anglian Railway Museum .
17 The idea may have been worked out with some care or , at the other extreme , it may have been put up spontaneously at a meeting convened to discuss the content of a future programme of activity .
18 Patrick and Jane had been put up in a room in the Shelbourne Hotel which faced St Stephen 's Green .
19 Well , when , when it comes to talking about er transport in a rural area and , and talking about transport in the Western Isles , er were not talking about buses or trains , were talking about ferries and , and planes and you just wonder when you hear some of the statistics erm from these companies just what sort of service they are at providing to local people , where your talking about ferries at arriving in , in port at half past eleven to half past twelve at night , that 's not a service for local people , I mean you hear about British Airways increasing their domestic fares to er , by seven per cent as of the beginning of April er you just have to ask is this a service been put up provided for er local people , and it just is n't .
20 The usual opposition has been put up by the sales contingent in the form of Jim Cavalier , the sales director .
21 Special wooden footpath signs have been put up along the route .
22 Huge tents , open-fronted , had been put up and the Empress came in state with all her ladies , veiled to the eyes , and took her place on the throne .
23 Book Bargains Ltd , the chain of 10 specialist remainder shops , has been put up for sale by its founder and managing director , Philip Weatherburn .
24 Another important factor contributing to the lower-risk insurance element was that , quite simply , buildings that have been put up in recent years have been much more structurally sound than those constructed during the '60s and early '70s .
25 Danger notices had been put up and largely disregarded .
26 Within that pack there is erm er if you like the book that takes you through the slides that have been put up there today .
27 ( Illegal posters acclaiming the overthrow and execution on Dec. 25 of the Romanian leader , Nicolae Ceausescu , had reportedly been put up on university campuses but quickly removed by the authorities . )
28 In earlier incidents , OMON units on Jan. 14 had briefly occupied a police station in Riga , and had tried to remove two of the barricades which had been put up by Latvians on main roads , bridges and around public buildings in response to events in Vilnius .
29 He should have been put up against a wall and shot , if you ask me , for dereliction of duty .
30 This motion has been put up this year because there are changing circumstances which really do require us to give elections to the C E C deeper consideration .
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