Example sentences of "[been] there [det] " in BNC.

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1 I have been there many times and had many unshakeable criticisms , which now have , of course , been shaken . ’
2 But I know that part of the country and have been there many times .
3 M I mean , let's be fair I mean most of the stallholders that I 've found in Nottinghamshire erm are perfectly honest and reputable and many of them been there many years anyway .
4 He had been there many times before .
5 ‘ I should like that very much , but you must have been there many times before . ’
6 ( Oh , yes , and before you ask , I have been there many a time .
7 If I was on the streets of Ireland now , and I 've been there many occasions and someone said to me , look at that Welsh get there , I would just have to take it .
8 I have been there many times , both for business and for pleasure . ’
9 She did n't turn up , so of course I then telephoned her office and found she had n't been there that week .
10 He had n't been there that morning and now she had run him to earth in the café .
11 Portlington was a public school so minor that you got none of the cachet for having been there that is the real point of an English public school education .
12 As Rachel reached her flat and let herself in she found herself trying to remember whether David had been there that evening when her mother had sent for her .
13 Cos I 'd been there that morning
14 Lots of people from the restaurants park down here in the evening , but I only just realized , talking to my wife , that it had actually been there all day as well .
15 He 'd been there all night sleeping on a bench .
16 This time next week it 'll be as though you 'd been there all your life .
17 Now as I looked at the tree I saw that the great things had been there all the time but I had mistaken them for the background .
18 But in a more important sense he would be wrong , for there is no such person as he had in mind and I would have been there all the time .
19 Did n't like the city , been there all my life ,
20 Luckily , our man 's name began with a B or I would have been there all night . ’
21 In the end we just let the audience in or we 'd have been there all day . ’
22 The extra pairs had been there all the time ; they had simply found nowhere to nest before .
23 ‘ I would definitely like to have been there all the way at the start of history , at the start of human beings , to see all that happened .
24 But after that seemingly unpropitious start , Topaz settled into the routine at Yelton as if she had been there all her life .
25 But the question had been there all the time .
26 It had been there all the time hidden beneath the forced gaiety , the conversational duelling .
27 And er I 've been there all my life and that 's and that 'll be eighty seven years old come May and er I 've just worked on the farm all my days and er then of course when my people died I just er stayed myself , and then lived with other people here and there , just to help them .
28 She was certain MacQuillan had not gone to the bar because she had been there all the time until then .
29 Been there all the morning . ’
30 I been there all day . ’
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