Example sentences of "[been] many [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There have been many experiments demonstrating the validity of this principle and exploring detailed variables such as the timing and quality of feedback .
2 There have been many wars here .
3 There have been many criticisms of the Chicago School but this body of work still has a great deal to teach us .
4 It 's written yes well supposedly there there have been many criticisms about it
5 Trevor Radway , Chairman of the Forest of Dean Railway Company Limited , said there had been many improvements in recent times , and the railway was going from strength to strength .
6 There have been many peaks along the way : the beating of Australia which heralded the Cooke and Carling era , the wins at Murrayfield and Parc de Princes and , perhaps most of all , the six tries scored against Ireland at Twickenham last month .
7 There have been many things said by earlier speakers and very few of them I disagree with .
8 I have been many things in my time .
9 I 've been many things in my life , but I 'm not a liar . ’
10 Emma had mounted the first step of the stairs and she was unwinding her scarf when she turned and looked down on her mother , saying , ‘ I would have been many things if I had been brought up in peace . ’
11 None the less , since antiquity there have been many efforts to describe features of the world , including the social , in quantitative terms , efforts which began to assume an even greater urgency and consequentiality with the rise of the modern nation state and its requirements for an accurate accounting of its resources .
12 To date , there have been many projects and ideas that have benefited from CIRE funding .
13 But it is important to state that although in recent years in Britain , there have been many service innovations whose aim has been to improve the home or community care of elderly mentally frail people ( see for example Age Concern England , l983 ) , unfortunately most of these schemes have either not been systematically evaluated ( often because they have been very small in scale ) , or — if they have — results have not been widely disseminated .
14 Since then it has been many times re-invented and used for 3D picture postcards .
15 There have been many times in history when Christianity has faced extreme difficulty .
16 There have been many times when I could n't write .
17 McGahern : ‘ There have been many times when I could n't write ’
18 The Basilica Constaninina , now the Cathedral of Rome , S. Giovanni in Laterano , has since been many times altered and added
19 In the modern world , democracy has often been perceived by liberals as a threat or potential threat to individual freedom , and there have been many warnings about the tyranny of the majority and the tyranny of public opinion .
20 When I finally got through to Taff to enquire about what sort of night he had had , and if there had been many casualties during the barrage , his reply was rather matter of fact .
21 I can also acknowledge that there must have been many women like her , all over Glasgow ; that there were then in the early 1900s when she was marrying and becoming a mother ; that there were later .
22 ‘ Have there been many women , Leo ? ’
23 In the fifty years since the TA was last called up for war there have been many changes .
24 Dr Margaret O'Brien , a chartered psychologist at East London Polytechnic and author of The New Man , told the conference : ‘ Though there have been many changes in family life over the century , it is surprising to discover that children seem to have such a traditional view . ’
25 With its disappearance there have been many changes in the face of Croydon and changes are continuing .
26 The fact that women have decided to participate in the difficult but just struggle of El Salvador has meant that they have developed politically and ideologically and that there have been many changes in men 's attitudes , After the triumph , I believe these changes will become more apparent .
27 There certainly have been many changes in both attitudes to women 's sexuality and in women 's sexual practices over the last few decades .
28 Have there been many changes in church and chapel attendance since then do you think ?
29 The report showed that there had been many changes and improvements since 1986 , but that some deficiencies remain .
30 Since the Second World War there have been many changes in official policies toward , and social assumptions concerning , the control and treatment of crime and offenders .
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