Example sentences of "[been] give [num] " in BNC.

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1 The museum already has a comprehensive library donated as a bequest from Paul Maenz , the former Cologne gallery owner , and has been given fifty-five works of art by a West German group of industrialists .
2 Mr Redmond had been looking after the woodyard where he worked while his employer was on a cruise to restore his health , and Sarah told Anne that her father had been given fifty pounds as a mark of appreciation when his employer returned .
3 ‘ Much of it is , but Christian has been given fifty acres of forest land .
4 The group , which has been given 18 bins , is building setts to replace those dug-up by badger-baiters .
5 South Yorkshire police have asked for 17 posts for the coming year ; they have been given 16 .
6 Nurse Beverley Allitt who killed four babies has been given thirteen life sentences .
7 Nurse Beverley Allitt who killed four babies has been given thirteen life sentences .
8 Also present , and hoping to apply for membership in due course , were representatives from the Shoreham Aviation Heritage Trust , who have been given 75 acres of land at historic Shoreham Airport to develop into a museum .
9 ‘ He seems also to have been given sixty thousand in travel grants .
10 Sir — Both the government and the opposition parties have been given one clear ringing message by the voters in the election : that environmental issues are of little or no concern to them .
11 A word from Maud and he had been given one of the four coveted places as a dresser , which meant he had more chance to learn the great man 's skills .
12 And it says You have been given one injection of tetanus vaccine absorbed and another of tetanus antitoxin .
13 ‘ And apart from Barbra arriving late — which she would n't have done had she only been given one hairdresser instead of three , because all three insisted on fixing her hair , and that took time — everything went smoothly . ’
14 We are not alone in having the grant cut , some of the governing bodies have only been given one year 's notice or nothing at all .
15 Erm , now as as this so called generous funding in fact , the police authority are facing a straight deficit of three hundred and twenty-eight thousand , they are facing a further deficit of four hundred and twenty-five thousand because they have only been given one and a half percent for pay , where all the information we have been given from the Home Office , you can shake your head as much as you like Chairman , it is in fact true , and in fact , in fact as reported in the Guardian , on , only the day before yesterday , yet again the police bill is to be , almost certainly four percent , not one and a half .
16 But one or two MPs emerged from behind the public show of loyalty to warn that Mr Major has been given one last chance .
17 John Prescot has been given one of the key posts in the new shadow cabinet .
18 But whatever satisfaction Scott may have gained from the debate and the fact that he had been given six months to prepare a new design , it must have soon been dispelled by the public press and the action of some of his professional colleagues .
19 He had been given six Loaches , two heavy with eggs .
20 Sources said that they have been given six weeks to finish their assignments and another four weeks ' severance pay .
21 Sources said they have been given six weeks to finish their assignments and another four weeks severance .
22 He reminded the House that the police had been given forty-eight hours notification of the proposed route : ‘ Honourable members on this side of the House who in this respect are charging him [ Paisley ] with gross civic and social irresponsibility must also charge the police with exactly the same thing . ’
23 Little Wolfgang has been given two magnificent swords …
24 His action was popularly resented as a poor show of gratitude for the benefit he had been given two years before .
25 I later interviewed the bemused recordist , and established he had been given two portable stereo tape recorders , which he had laid on the ground pointing in opposite directions .
26 Underlining the endless uncertainty that surrounds any industrial or commercial company that has the misfortune to be controlled by the state , France 's chronic loss-maker Compagnie des Machines Bull SA has been given two months to come up with a viable strategy , French Industry Minister Gerard Longuet said after a news conference where he outlined his policies after six weeks in office .
27 Underlining the endless uncertainty that surrounds any industrial or commercial company controlled by the state , France 's loss-maker Compagnie des Machines Bull SA has been given two months to come up with a viable strategy , French Industry Minister Gerard Longuet said after a news conference where he outlined his policies after six weeks in office .
28 You have been given two years not only to investigate historical thinking and knowledge but also to practise the dynamic process of essay writing .
29 The workshop had looked certain to shut down after the local authority withdrew its funding , but now it 's been given two months to persuade the private sector to come up with a rescue package .
30 The vicar who keeps more than fifty animals in his garden has been given two weeks to get rid of them .
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