Example sentences of "[been] give [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ How many other farmers hereabouts have been given similar awards ? ’
2 ( Common safety standards for engineering products had been given final approval by the Council on June 14 . )
3 The bill had been introduced on May 30 , 1991 , and had been given final House of Commons approval on Nov. 7 .
4 The activities of building societies and banks have been given prime consideration when assessing the appropriate definition of money and the problem of implementation of monetary control ( Bank of England , Dec. 1984 ) .
5 The only sane response to a complaint in some circumstances is a firm ‘ no ’ but it is important that the complaint is seen to have been given serious consideration and that those that have complained are not made to feel foolish .
6 One example of an hypothesis which has been given serious attention in recent years is the possible link between electromagnetic fields generated by high-voltage power lines or supply cables and ill health .
7 In the delicate balance between trust and accountability , an Area Secretary should be confident that her/his report will always be acknowledged on the basis of its having been given serious attention .
8 The Bill has been given extensive consideration in another place — a total of about 65 hours , including four days in Committee and three days on Report .
9 In this Special Reference Feature a chronology outlines the key events leading to unification and cross refers to articles in the monthly News Digest section where developments have been given extensive coverage .
10 The development officers had been given approximate hourly costs ( or costs per visit ) of other home services and had to calculate , using these figures , the existing expenditure on each client .
11 There could hardly be a more serious accusation than these particular killings and they had been given renewed publicity by the secretary of state 's broadcast of only four weeks earlier .
12 Campaigners , calling for the convictions of Tony Poole and Gary Mills to be quashed have been given renewed hope after Gloucester MP Douglas French , met with Home Office officials .
13 He had been given curious looks by the person who gave him the directions which show that he was a stranger as he was not recognised .
14 Over the past year so much time and energy has been devoted to considering the implications of the new audit regulatory regime that investment business has been given scant attention by commentators and the profession alike .
15 Amid all the speculation about the future of our great Taoiseach , one issue has been given scant consideration : what is the quality of those who are being identified as his likely successors ?
16 The vice-chancellor said the creditors ' committee had been given insufficient time and information to judge the proposals , which were negotiated by BCCI liquidator Touche Ross , particularly whether accepting Abu Dhabi 's package would recover more money for creditors than suing the majority shareholders .
17 Polemis ( N.C. , 1974 ) the court held that if a person had been given insufficient time , an adjournment must be granted .
18 Ludendorff has widely been given sole credit for the great German victory at Tannenberg , but before he and Hindenburg had even arrived at their new post imaginative steps had been taken by Colonel Max Hoffmann , Deputy Chief of Operations of the Eighth Army , which made that victory possible .
19 Along with that , although solicitors have been given limited rights of audience in the courts , seriously complex cases still require specialised counsel and these are in short supply : ‘ You only need one Piper Alpha inquiry and they 'll be tied up for months ’ , he said .
20 had been given ample opportunity to respond constructively but had palpably failed to do so .
21 You have been given great talents , you can achieve results that are beyond the ability of anyone else .
22 John Gorman says it 's good value for an international striker and he 's been given great support by the board to go and out and strengthen the side … he thinks Jan will help them in the premier league … ,
23 The Institute has been given legal advice to the effect that there is a possibility that the defence of qualified or absolute privilege might be available , but it would be up to the courts to decide and the only way of finding out would be a test case .
24 They have all been given legal status in the country and enjoy the same social welfare benefits as Nicaraguans .
25 Since the first of January this year safety representatives have been given legal rights to be con consulted and I quote in good time regarding the following one any measure which substantially affects the health and safety of employees two the arrangements for appointing specialist staff three any health and safety information circulated to employees four the planning and organization of any health and safety training and five , the introduction of new technologies .
26 Patients who had initially been given chenodeyxholic acid as dissolution treatment had a significantly lower recurrence rate than those who had been treated , originally , with ursodeoxycholic acid ( 17.8 ( 5.8 ) % at 42 months by LTA compared with 67.1 ( 16.4 ) % ; p<0.05 ) .
27 Or was it that the kitchen reminded Dalgliesh of that rectory kitchen where the lonely only child had found warmth and undemanding , uncensorious companionship , been given hot dripping toast and small forbidden treats ?
28 Ashrawi had said on Jordan on Nov. 9 that she and her fellow delegates had been given diplomatic protection by the USA and the Soviet Union .
29 This was a carefully calculated move , designed to underline the Falangist character of the project of which Arrese had been given exclusive charge , for Valladolid was the cradle of militant Falangism and 4 March was the anniversary of the fusion , in 1934 , of Falange Española and the JONS .
30 Security issues , covering data protection , data integrity , security of access , physical security , recovery arrangements , and printout control , have been given close attention .
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