Example sentences of "[been] on [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It wo n't have been on a weighing machine since it left the village where it was grown . ’
2 Since the agreement to let the original refugees out had been on a once-only basis , it was not clear what was going to happen to yesterday 's 1,000-plus new arrivals in Prague .
3 As workmen moved in to put up fencing yesterday , more demonstrators joined a small group of protesters who had been on a 24-hour vigil at the site .
4 I had never been on a glacier before .
5 I been on a train with the school once — we went to the seaside and I cut my toe .
6 I been on a boat once with the school .
7 In practice , she learnt to ski ; but it was the first time she had been away from her friends and family , the first time she had been on a plane , the first time she had been abroad , and she was desperately unhappy .
8 While human evolution has oriented around the use of hand and eye , and developed down a highly visual and linear path , the dolphin mind has been on a very different track — acoustic , non-linear and non-manipulative .
9 But the dollar 's weight , 21.9% , was double what it would have been on a purely trade-weighted basis , so its slide between 1985 and 1990 dragged the krona down against ERM currencies .
10 Once seated , Denice tells us she 's only been on a blind date once before , and that was years ago .
11 She wondered if this coat had ever been on a train before , when it had belonged to the other child .
12 She had been on a bus once and had seen Simon in a posh car pulling out of an ‘ executive ’ housing estate opposite the boating lake .
13 For example , imagine the situation where you have been on a strict , very low calorie diet for a month or so .
14 I 've never been on a diet .
15 In twenty-four hours she has been on a whistle-stop tour of three countries .
16 And when I asked his orchestra 's publicist if Daniel Barenboim would really want to be interviewed immediately after such a lengthy spell of high-altitude incarceration , she said : ‘ He came in by Concorde , he 's just been on a two-week skiing trip with his family in Switzerland — believe me , he 'll be just fine . ’
17 He had been on a life-support machine since the attack .
18 I have never been on a diet .
19 One farmer in North Wales admitted that it was his wife who had trained him in lambing techniques after having been on a training course .
20 Now I 've never been on a camel before and these guys , I mean , they do n't wash ; just roll around in the sand .
21 Slim women — or those who have successfully been on a diet — often feel deeply disheartened by the fact that diet and exercise alone do not seem to improve these problem areas .
22 Daisy Mules told the rally how she had been on a Dublin student contingent at the march which led to the Bloody Sunday massacre .
23 He should have been on a real high , but you can never tell with Seve .
24 It was the first real ballet of John 's to be seen at Covent Garden , since his dances for operas had so far all been on a small scale , and it was far from being a success .
25 After a while she sat up and slowly began to undress to her camisole and her waist petticoat ; then , turning up the gas that had been on a low jet , she went across the room to the wash-hand stand and poured water from the jug into the basin .
26 There has been no substantial loss of moorland/rough grassland ; wetland drainage appears to have been on a limited scale and grazing of woodlands is not common practice .
27 The following table shows where a sample of school-leavers who had either been on a government Youth Opportunities Scheme ( YOPS ) or been unemployed for six weeks by the beginning of October 1978 had ended up by April 1979 .
28 However , the emphasis in LMS training has been on a whole-school approach , with governors , teachers , office staff , cleaners , caretakers , technicians , ancillary staff and LEA representatives working together for a full day in a particular school .
29 Another incident in the same Shop involved a man who had been on a Government course on turning .
30 Pre-Windscale , he recalled , two Secretaries of State had been on a collision course .
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