Example sentences of "[Wh pn] could [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 I hated the way it made me feel , someone the sight of whom could contaminate , endanger a baby .
2 The true type , as personified by my own and other mothers , was destined to bear child after child , some of whom could miscarry , some of whom could die , and all of whom were a perpetual source of worry and expense .
3 The Mourabitoun then held a press conference to explain the significance of this new weapon while the correspondents — few of whom could speak Arabic — waited in patience to know the weight of the warhead , its height and range .
4 Geoffrey Chaucer could not hold a conversation with a modern Englishman , even though they are linked to each other by an unbroken chain of some twenty generations of Englishmen , each of whom could speak to his immediate neighbours in the chain as a son speaks to his father .
5 Thus two developments could threaten this society of thrifty peasants , most of whom could read and write : the division of holdings — a process that custom prevented in the Basque Provinces — and an assault on the commons that created and sustained the municipal community and the egalitarian society .
6 The true type , as personified by my own and other mothers , was destined to bear child after child , some of whom could miscarry , some of whom could die , and all of whom were a perpetual source of worry and expense .
7 Since the hunt for Dinah began , police investigations have revealed the existence in Britain of almost 2,000 religious organisations , any number of whom could have had representatives or followers at the three-day pop festival .
8 Otherwise there would n't have been a chance for someone with such a large family , almost any of whom could have taken her in .
9 He left open the possibility that Girobank , recently privatised , could be made responsible for collecting repayments and chasing defaulters , the number of whom could rise significantly above the Government 's current estimates .
10 In so far as the general picture is intelligible , it appears that we are dealing with a group of warlords in the north , some of whom could claim to be upholding Roman jurisdiction .
11 Weir was regarded as an effective right-hand batsman who could bowl useful medium-pacers for Auckland , and Kerr was considered an elegant opening batsman for Canterbury .
12 Penny 's range is very impressive , and there can be few scholars who could cover the same material with such authority .
13 A man who could decree that the waiters should be given a disgusting breakfast prior to serving their masters with cold ham , kedgeree , scrambled eggs with smoked salmon , grilled wild mushrooms , devilled kidneys and much , much more , was a man who deserved to have his teapot emptied over his scrofulous head .
14 Who could 've put that there ?
15 Who could 've done such a terrible thing ? ’
16 Somewhere in this community today there is a person or people who could shed light on this atrocity .
17 ‘ This has put the pressure on us and although it will still be a tall order because Denbighshire are always a force to be reckoned with , I am confident we have the players who could pull it off . ’
18 They sometimes had secretaries who could imitate their master 's hand so perfectly that it is difficult to tell one from t' other .
19 He had an inkling he was the only one who could decipher the code .
20 Those who could commit suicide , directly or indirectly , were doing so ; in this War , suicide was the only way to resist the call-up .
21 It was therefore Charles who could dictate policy and law in most respects .
22 She told them about the disturbed girl at St Cecilia 's , the girl called Julie who performed feats of levitation , and about the girl who could read a page of a newspaper and remember it , and Enid who could hypnotize with a fountain-pen top .
23 So the only sort of foundationalist who could retain F 1 without F 2 would be one who accepted F 1 for other reasons than those provided by the regress argument .
24 It was she , too , alone , he sensed , who could satisfy him and he who could satisfy her .
25 It was she , too , alone , he sensed , who could satisfy him and he who could satisfy her .
26 This would involve identifying those who could satisfy criteria or competence and reliability , and encouraging them by removing some of the administrative restrictions now applying .
27 The great boulevards led to him from all directions , bringing the homage of a loyal and overawed population — who could assemble in the oval-shaped square thoughtfully provided for a quarter of a million of them .
28 She despised herself utterly for being the sort of person who could contemplate the slaughter of another woman with savage joy .
29 It was anybody I could pick on — anybody who could last the course .
30 And yet I do n't think there 's anybody in this room who could last a minute in a ring with a sumo wrestler because obviously being fit for sumo wrestling is quite different from being fit for sprint running , you need a completely different physique .
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