Example sentences of "[Wh pn] have them " in BNC.

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1 Of course he needed to finance so improbable a research programme , so he sold his dragons to an Emperor , who had them minced up and served to him garnished with spit-roasted swallows ' tongues , at one of his less important banquets .
2 On their first film together , I Walk Alone , in 1947. they both complained to their producer Hal B Wallis , who had them under contract , that they hated their roles , and that they were grossly underpaid .
3 About thirty of us gathered in a hotel in Rotherham — all people I 'd worked with including the cleaner and the consultant , and those who had them brought along their own partners , girlfriends , boyfriends and husbands and wives .
4 For students , corruption and the use of ‘ guanxi wang ’ — relationship networks — by those who had them , meant that their job prospects were further worsened .
5 Their forwards will also need to scrummage far better than they did against Armary , Genet and Gallart , who had them under the cosh from the second minute .
6 Of course the idea came to nothing ; in fact , one gets the impression , throughout this period , that there were a great many ideas floating about whose sole value was to console , and occupy the time of , those who had them .
7 Alix was mousy , square-faced , healthy of complexion , and , even then , extraordinarily pleasant of expression , with a pleasantness that was at times radiant , and almost always irrefutable : she was wearing , as girls who had them did for their Oxbridge interviews in those days , a two-piece middle-aged suit of an oatmeal mix , with square shoulders and a straight skirt .
8 Those who have n't got them certainly do n't want them , and those who have them already certainly do n't want them to get worse .
9 The short answer to this is : the people who have them .
10 I can tell my hon. Friend that pensioners ' incomes from occupational pensions — for those who have them — rose on average from £13.90 a week in 1979 to £27.70 in 1988 .
11 Now if you knew which numbers were selected less frequently than others , and you kept that information to yourself and you bet on those numbers that were selected less frequently , then unless there 's any special reason why those numbers should produce fewer score draws than other numbers , you 're giving yourself an advantage because on the weeks in which those numbers produce score draws there are fewer people who 'll have them down as their numbers , and so there 's more money around for those few people who have them down , including you , and so if you win , then you 'd expect to win more money .
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