Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [vb base] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Age hopes its early move will gain it market support ahead of competitors such as Leeds , UK-based Visionware Ltd and Ontorio , Canada-based Hummingbird Communications Ltd , both of whom intend to release similar 32-bit products once NT emerges .
2 We should extend the same decency to English people who come to live in Scotland , the vast majority of whom want to integrate into the community while retaining their own distinctive national identity .
3 European directors of the World Bank and IMF , some of whom want to help Vietnam make economic reforms , criticise the American veto .
4 Let us also remember the country of Zaire and all missionaries who were evacuated , many of whom long to return again .
5 Curran also revealed that the Dublin soccer writers , most of whom appear to have written-off Derry 's challenge , have provided the motivation that might just make the difference .
6 There is evidence of a religious enthusiasm more acceptable to the establishment among the nobility , some of whom appear to have either anticipated or eagerly embraced the official establishment of new liturgical feasts in devotional offices in their private chapels .
7 Such women ( I include myself ) are probably a majority in the movement ( it was the sort of feeling that brought us into it in the first place , and anyway we have more time than mothers ) but not among women as a whole , most of whom appear to want to spend at least part of their lives having and raising children .
8 PAULA YATES , SUE from Brookside , MIRANDA RICHARDSON , BOY GEORGE and his recently unceremoniously dumped-off Virgin MORE PROTEIN posse — EVE GALLAGHER and MC KINKY — neither of whom seem to have been adversely affected by their recent trauma .
9 Obviously , the heroin use of their son or daughter came as a great shock to most parents , many of whom seem to have had little or no idea that their offspring was involved in any drug use whatsoever , let alone daily heroin use .
10 The only people whom seem to have failed to benefit from the revolution are Phil and Rose .
11 REM sleep is thus even more clearly associated with dreaming in so-called " non-dreamers " than regular dreamers , who tend to report dreaming whenever they 're woken up !
12 Most of her boyfriends have been collected at a time of crisis in their lives , lame ducks , my father calls them , who tend to move on when they have reorganised their existence , not wanting to be taken over .
13 Stephen Day , Guinness marketing manager for Kaliber , who witnessed Smithwick 's demise , admits : ‘ Ale drinkers tend to be older and more settled in their habits than the new young trialists who tend to go for lager , so it was more difficult to persuade them .
14 Intentionality is usually overlooked by causal theorists who tend to see their job as being to sort out the afferent limb .
15 There will , however , always be those who tend to see the negative side and may well suggest you ‘ do n't lose weight too quickly or you 'll look old ’ or ‘ you 'll only put it back on twice as fast if you lose it quickly ’ .
16 Those who tend to see the eighteenth century as above all " the Age of Wesley " usually bring a good deal of retrospectivity to their view of the rise of Methodism over a period at the end of which Methodists were still not especially numerous in the nation as a whole .
17 We also have the paradox that ( as Posner , 1972 , p. 153 admits ) those same people who tend to argue that the common law promotes efficiency also reject the idea that regulatory law does the same thing .
18 The corporate approach favours ‘ those less committed to service departments … groups interested more in policy analysis than in professional standards , and … those who tend to emphasise local circumstances rather than national standards .
19 The only people who tend to disregard this very practical and helpful arrangement are lawyers appointed as commissioners of public inquiries .
20 These falls have been due in part to straightforward changes in age structure : fewer children — who tend to increase average household size — and more elderly people — who tend to live in smaller households — will both lower the overall average household size .
21 I leave things like aftershave to my sons , who tend to drink it .
22 ‘ I 've tried to cross-reference food historians with cookery writers , who tend to brush aside the contribution of black slave cooks .
23 However , it is sadly the case that it is still true that there are er a number of landlords around who tend to control a lot of property , who er are charging er absurdly and unreasonably high rents in return for an appalling service .
24 Those who tend to vote against an incumbent government are not those who have become unemployed : rather , they are those who see the government as a weak and incompetent one .
25 This somewhat anthropocentric , ‘ managerial ’ approach to nature is in sharp contrast to that of the ‘ idealists ’ in the environmental movement who tend to advocate total protection for threatened species and habitats , de-industrialisation , and a return to non-intensive methods of food production .
26 Since Cisco first appeared in shops last year , local hospitals have reported an unusual number of teenagers ( who tend to like the relatively weak ‘ wine coolers ’ ) checking in with alcohol poisoning after drinking the stuff .
27 Those who tend to retaliate need to work on ways of coping with the way their immediate strong feelings cause them to behave .
28 What sorts of people tend to become politically active and who tend to remain relatively inert ?
29 Eight years on the problems have not decreased but they have increased er , even more so with the present problem of employers who tend to ignore health and safety using fear of unemployment to stop complaints .
30 ‘ Larks ’ are morning people who tend to wake up and get up early in the day .
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