Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [vb base] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Problems can also arise for people in urban areas , some of whom suffer from " winter depression " , making them dull and lethargic during the day and unable to sleep at night .
2 Additionally , most published publication counts refer to active practitioners , rather than to Ph D students , many of whom cease to be active in the subject field of their training .
3 Additionally , most published publication counts refer to active practitioners , rather than to Ph D students , many of whom cease to be active in the subject field of their training .
4 To his list we could add attorneys and even local receivers of taxes , six of whom appear in a list of country bankers drawn up in 1784 .
5 The breakthrough could offer an effective treatment to the 6,000 people who suffer from the life-threatening disease in the UK , many of whom die in their early 30s .
6 The programmed is likely to displace some 15,000 Auyu tribal people , most of whom depend on the forest as hunter-gatherers or rubber tappers .
7 The event , sponsored by the Cooperative Bank and organised by the town 's recreation department , attracts entries from all over the country , many of whom run in fancy dress for their favourite charities .
8 Many women are in employment but women also make up 60 per cent of Britain 's six million carers , many of whom look after elderly relatives .
9 Entrants are now more varied and include local farmers and horsey young girls , some of whom travel from as far south as Nottinghamshire .
10 I interpret it that erm parents saw that they were being asked to do something false , and if I can just correct you on something , these were n't the Governors ' proposals to seek opting out , they were the proposals of a group of parents , some of whom happen to be parent-Governors , but when the Governors themselves came to vote on whether we thought
11 If the Soviet state machine , the process of production and the producers , are directed by the party-state nomenklatura officials , who recruit by co-option from among the beneficiaries of higher education , and who in various ways benefit from privilege , it follows that this ruling stratum has some of the characteristics of a ruling class , though not that of ownership , except possibly in some collective sense .
12 One for those who judge by appearances rather than practical application .
13 But towards the end of my anorexic period I think I was verging upon mental illness in the sense that even those who disbelieve in it might accept , that is , I had become out of touch with reality as perceived by others and unable to cope with demands of everyday life .
14 Many of the great fortunes in this country are still in the hands of the landed aristocracy who tend to be preoccupied with maintaining their great estates and country houses , no doubt feeling that opening them to the public is in itself a form of patronage .
15 More to the point , you fail to mention the fact that the Government has offered talks on a pay structure which would ensure that those ambulance workers with a high skill level , who tend to be those who deal with the worst accidents , are paid more to reflect their training .
16 But in the 1990s many citizens , particularly among the English ( who tend to be less conscious of their ‘ Englishness ’ than the Scots and Welsh are of their national identities ) , do not even feel British : it has been commented that the British lost their sense of identity along with their empire and have not yet found another identity .
17 They it is who tend to be always insisting this or that figure is the one to emulate , or repeating what some particular hero is said to have pronounced upon professional matters .
18 Unfortunately , a diagnosis of psychosomatic illness is often arrived at by a much shorter and less strenuous route than this , particularly with female patients , who tend to be perceived as more ‘ nervy ’ .
19 Support needs to be given to them , not least In their ministry to other homosexuals , who tend to be drawn to the inner cities . '
20 Students , who tend to the left , can choose whether to register in their parents ' homes or where they live in term time .
21 However , despite the publicity given to the more extravagant claims about the impact of new technology on the level of unemployment , and the popular notion that the silicon chip is a job destroyer , a survey , published in 1979 , of some 400 documents on the effect of the new information technologies on employment showed ‘ how little foundation there is to existing studies , half of which are by pessimists ( often with a trade union background ) and the other half by optimists ( who tend to be on the employers ’ side ) ’ ( Institute for Research on Public Policy 1979 ) .
22 Real choice is most likely for a small minority of shoppers who tend to be better educated and richer than average .
23 First , the concern of socialists with justice is a rebuke to many of us in the West who tend to be far too complacent in accepting the status quo and much which is unjust which goes with it .
24 Children who tend to be irritable , moody , difficult to manage , and emotional about changes or frustrated will generally react with the most disturbance to the birth .
25 There is a continuous debate in media circles , for example , about how to reach light ITV viewers , who tend to be concentrated among better-off , and to an extent younger , people .
26 These three studies all suggest ( if do not prove ) that science specialists are likely to be rather more conformist and conventional in outlook than arts specialists , who tend to be slightly more rebellious and free-thinking .
27 It will threaten the jobs , status , and opportunities of a good many people in the organization , especially the long-serving , middle-aged people in middle management who tend to be the least mobile and to feel most secure in their work , their positions , their relationships , and their behavior .
28 Consequently , the manufacture of base fertilizers is concentrated amongst large-scale firms who tend to be part of the wider chemical industry .
29 In its early days software is tested by programmers and expert , hand picked users , who tend to be reasonable about they way they use machines .
30 This is especially true of black women writers , who tend to be plucked out of context to lend a splash of colour to a pallid white landscape — like a single exotic flower among drab , overwatered shrubs .
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