Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [vb mod] say " in BNC.

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1 Consequently , they are likely to be equally rejected by some black people who may say that they are not black enough , not in the colour sense of the term but in culture and attitude .
2 I daresay that as a result of your letter and my few words , I 'll have an angry response from men who 'll say , ‘ what about the women who abandon their children for other men ? ’
3 Okay , there are liberal democratics who 'll say that they are the party committed to electoral reform , there are others , and other parties who are as well !
4 Who might say that ?
5 Said one insider : " We did n't want any International incidents with players who might say something indiscreet to the tabloid press . "
6 Who could say ?
7 Who could say ?
8 But who could say for certain ?
9 This hypothesis does not seem to have a lot going for it because , at the time Matthew — or whoever — was writing , there would still have been a few people around who could say something like I do n't remember any star ! ' )
10 D'Arquebus wrinkled his nose , whether disapproving of Juron 's lapses of grammar in this time of stress , or simply of involving others on this enterprise , who could say ?
11 Tundrish caught up with the two of them before they descended whether filled with an access of comradeliness , or leery of why they should seemingly wish to seclude themselves together , who could say ?
12 And even if they had , who could say that Christ had not died for them also ?
13 Her husband nodded and smiled , but whether he had heard the question or not , who could say .
14 Who could say she was wrong ?
15 Elizabeth took no part in this discussion and Lydia wondered whether it was her imagination or whether Elizabeth had the air of someone who could say a great deal if she chose .
16 Who could say for sure ?
17 She was clinging to the lifeline of Rourke 's feelings for her , and who could say that he would deny her that refuge ?
18 Who could say if Margaret was not better off a young widow , able yet to make a humbler and happier match ?
19 There were those , of course , who 'd say that she 'd only herself to blame .
20 From then onwards , the only one who used to make a little mistake every now and then was my little sister , who 'd say Harry and then quickly change it to Cliff .
21 He could think of some people who 'd say she 'd told him nothing he did n't already know and offer a few hundred francs .
22 And would an an apprentice , like somebody who 'd say served say five years as their time , once their time was out would it be common for them to be kept on ?
23 There are those who 'd say marcel really should n't be doing things like this at his age .
24 There are those who 'd say it 's still too early to think about Christmas .
25 In our crazy ‘ value — free ’ society the ‘ shame ’ is now attached only to those who dare to say that homosexuality is less than ‘ gay ’ .
26 But when Uccello died in his eighties , ‘ He left a daughter who could design , and a wife who used to say that Paolo would remain the night long in his study to work out the lines of his perspective , and that when she called him to come to rest , he replied , ‘ Oh what a sweet thing this perspective is ! ’
27 It 's funny , but people who used to say we sounded like The Chameleons were mainly from Middleton .
28 ‘ I had a friend who used to say that if you burned a candle in your window and it burned all night , then the world would n't end while you were sleeping . ’
29 Seppings , who used to say ‘ partial strength produces general weakness ’ , seems to have been one of the first Naval Architects to have a clear mental picture of the stress systems in a ship 's hull .
30 The was a photographer who used to say , ‘ Catch a butterfly ’ to the girls to make them smile .
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