Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [adv] [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 The son on whom all depends is still not conceived .
2 As the person through whom all orders for purchases from project grants must pass , this is clearly a key position in the project 's structure .
3 This seems to be the case with reported visions of the Virgin Mary , identification of whom usually occurs after the initial vision , which is frequently by children , outdoors , at springs or streams .
4 The cast of characters is evidence enough of the approach : a fashionable young baronet intended by his ambitious politician uncle to marry the Princess of Lystria ; an exiled king running a fashionable London restaurant ; two pretty dancers , one royal and one plebeian ; a curate on holiday who strikingly resembles the baronet — with such components , the square dance performed through Central Europe is both neat and exciting .
5 The terms of the contracts in this category are rarely negotiated ; instead , they are prepared by or for one party who effectively imposes them on the other party to the contract , saying " If you want to do business with me , you must use my terms " .
6 Much of McQueen 's acting was done for him by the make-up of Charles Schram , who effectively ages him over his years of solitary confinement .
7 THE Mirror is not about to be sold , the man who effectively controls the Mirror Group said yesterday .
8 Here is a young man of twenty-three , second mate of the Patna , who secretly hopes that his life of efficiency will become romantic :
9 ‘ I can not marry a man who secretly despises me .
10 Each passenger is a different face of white colonialism : the overt racist who can not bring himself to use a Black doctor to treat his sick wife ; the hypocritical racist who secretly has an affair with his Black housekeeper ; the white liberal who alternates between ’ slumming ’ it with the natives , and living with the whites , not quite willing or able to give up his white privilege .
11 In " ideal " circumstances , the male joker releases his frustration by joking about the woman with a second male — an inhibitor of the desired intimacy — who thereby becomes a conspirator with the teller in the indulgence in smut as a substitute for the sexual act .
12 Although the matter does not arise in this appeal because Woolwich were fully aware of all the relevant circumstances , I can not help feeling that there is some illogicality in treating as voluntary a payment by someone who justifiably believes that the demand is lawful whereas in fact it turns out to be unlawful .
13 Speaking as a man who rather enjoys cover compilations — and remembers with gratitude the ‘ NME 's role in bringing us The Fall 's ‘ A Day In The Life ’ — I have to concede that the normal response to such collections is a powerful yearning to hear the originals again .
14 Ralph Lauren , born in New York in 1939 , formed his first company in 1968 to become the designer who most represents an archetypal American way of life .
15 ONE OF THE anomalies of National Hunt racing this season is the comparative paucity of winners for the artistic Richard Dunwoody , the jockey who most resembles that supreme stylist John Francome among the current crop of riders .
16 One of the men who most attracts him , Mubarak , is also one whose sexuality is most self-conscious , withdrawn , and complicated ; Mubarak 's masculinity is itself strung out across difference : he is a Sudanese African in Asia , and fighting for a people whom he does not understand and who regard him with a racist indifference ( pp. 194 — 5 ) ; he speaks perfect French , but with a Parisian urban working-class accent .
17 The pagans think it important to propitiate gods with sacrifices , yet they have no idea which is the most powerful of them , so that they might be offending the one who most needs propitiating by paying him insufficient attention .
18 The people of Midlothian are sick of the Liberal Democrats , because an argument is going on at present in Midlothian about who most wants to back the consortium and whether it is the Scottish National party or the Liberal Democrats .
19 Others are less so : like Eve Pollard , editor of the Sunday Express , Lord Harris and Patrick Robertson of the Bruges Group , Julian Amery , Barbara Amiel , who single-handedly keeps Sean French 's word-processor dipped in arsenic , the Duke of Marlborough and John Profumo with his wife .
20 After a few weeks the time log sheets are analysed for you by a specialist who duly reports back on how you have been spending your time .
21 Meet the man with the surname everyone knows , Giorgio Armani , who arguably adorns more bodies worldwide than any other living designer .
22 who nervously pats his hair ,
23 ‘ And the man who eventually wins you will be the luckiest man in the world , I think , ’ said Carlo .
24 And Caroline Strong gives a full account of the innocence and sadness of a loser who eventually wins .
25 A prude , Chloe , marries a zealot , Enthusiano , who eventually locks her up with directions to say her prayers , as he goes to his mistress .
26 German actor Curt Jurgens took the role of her tolerant husband , who eventually falls for an American heiress .
27 This leaves Open the possibility of negotiation between the parties to identify the person who eventually becomes the main carer .
28 ‘ It would n't be fair to the actress who eventually gets the part .
29 ‘ Michael ’ and the deaf student ( who eventually storms out of the meeting ) are created from an amalgam of several students who have attended the scheme .
30 Overseas runners drown by the lure of the pound will inevitably confuse the equation of who eventually comes out on top .
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