Example sentences of "[been] [adj] in " in BNC.

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1 More ( 1967 ) in a review of hydrological models in geography concluded that although there are large areas of overlap between hydrology and geography , the two disciplines have developed quite separately , that many of the hydrological models developed have not been geographic in their inception , but that geographers should not ignore the implications of the fast-moving science of hydrology .
2 With the thought of the malevolent listening bug on the sea-floor dominating every other in his mind , Talbot had sought Lieutenant Denholm 's advice on the question of noise suppression : Denholm had not been half-hearted in his recommendations , with the result that the use of all mechanical devices on the ship , from generators to electric shavers , had been banned .
3 The Guardian , Times and Evening Standard have been half-hearted in their approach to paperback originals ; and the lowest scores were notched up by Today and the Financial Times .
4 Opinion on the McSharry plan has been sharply divided with organisations dedicated to small and medium sized farmers joining with environmentalists in their support for it while leading figures such as the Minister for Agriculture , John Gummer have been loud in their opposition .
5 After attempting to defend ministers who had been hesitant in their support of the coup , Gorbachev agreed that the whole Cabinet should resign , and that the new Prime Minister should be a Russian — possibly Silayev .
6 Whereas , none of the bands I 've been in have ever been showbizzy in that sense , and if we 're in a bad mood then we play really badly .
7 Santa shivered when Suzanne wrapped his body in cold , clammy bandages which had been pre-soaked in a solution of menthol , camphor , marine algae and alcohol .
8 He was also the most relaxed of batsmen , often having been asleep in the dressing-room before going out to the middle .
9 By the embers of the fire in the grate of the long kitchen , the burly man had been asleep in a chair .
10 Mr Beaton told the court that he had been asleep in his cab when two men with Glasgow accents woke him up by placing a bag over his head .
11 He 's been asleep in the car .
12 Criticism of religious institutions , leadership and policies is rife , and religious people have on the whole been tardy in responding creatively to justified charges and pointing out the inappropriateness of false charges ; an approach of burying one 's head in the sand has been a characteristic of many religious people .
13 Any offer of help , even if presented as a humanitarian gesture , would have been controversial in the US and Israel , which still sees the PLO as a terrorist organisation .
14 Had he been unfeeling in handing back the bowler 's sweater less than gently ( but by no means callously ) after an over full of backchat by the bowler and his captain ?
15 Its impact has been greatest in personal injuries litigation and matrimonial proceedings and in the defence of those charged with serious criminal offences .
16 Although all SADCC member states have borne some burden , the economic damage and human casualties have been greatest in Angola and Mozambique .
17 They say she 'd been depressed in recent days
18 Mum jumped up straight away and began rearranging the furniture which had been upset in the commotion .
19 The generation of 1898 redressed in literature the balance that had been upset in the economic development of Spain : with some exaggeration the rediscovery of the desolate attractions of Castile by poets and essayists , many of whom came from peripheral regions , can be seen as a repentant gesture to the centre , devastated for the greater glory of Spain .
20 So far as mining is concerned , the long colliery shifts of the nineteenth century do not seem to have been usual in the eighteenth .
21 But he 's been odd in his manner these last few days , no doubt about that .
22 Nevertheless , the SDA 's approaches towards urban policy have been innovative in a way that the overwhelmingly property-orientated UDCs have not .
23 The London County Council had , for example , been innovative in its approach to the public provision of both education and housing for working-class people .
24 Is he aware that a similar campaign was carried out by the hon. Member for Livingston ( Mr. Cook ) against trust hospitals in England , which have now delivered more patient care , cut waiting lists and been innovative in the service that they offer to patients ?
25 Summing up , Nick Carey believes that ICI has been innovative in its approach towards the rationalization of its petrochemicals business — necessary because production capacity in europe was far too high .
26 I think maybe I must have been Spanish in some former life — I feel as though I 've come home . ’
27 ‘ Schnell , bitte ’ Lefevre 's injunction , on the other hand , would have been unnecessary in the French capital , where one and all drove like madmen .
28 The ethnic factor was relatively unimportant as until recently immigrants have been under-represented in local authority accommodation .
29 Most mammalian embryologists have been guilty in the past of using age as a measure of developmental stage ; this has proved to be an inadequate and often misleading criterion .
30 If the hon. Gentleman will think back to days gone by , he will remember that such questions have been perennial in the few weeks before a general election .
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