Example sentences of "[indef pn] [that] the " in BNC.

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1 Is there nothing that the average man wandering down a country lane can do about the effects of autumn ?
2 There was nothing that the parish council could do , as at the time much of the area was within Old Alresford .
3 This was his St Martin 's summer , an autumnal madness , nothing that the first cold of winter could n't wither .
4 The ‘ revelation ’ to which they witness offers nothing that the development of a rational religious sensibility would not in time be able to discover for itself .
5 There is nothing that the dog could do that could express the difference between the two thoughts : ‘ My master is at the door ’ and ‘ I am thinking that my master is at the door ’ .
6 We have always said that it is not for nothing that the Unix prompts are dollar and percentage signs and at last somebody out there has the common sense to recognise that fact too : the new Unix Reseller Show , set for May 4 to 6 in Dallas , is blatantly promoting itself with the slogan ‘ How To Make Money With Unix ’ ; if that does n't bring the punters piling in , nothing will .
7 We have always said that it is not for nothing that the Unix prompts are dollar and percentage signs .
8 As Robert Lovett , former Under Secretary of State , told the drafting committee , there was practically nothing that the US could not do if it wanted to .
9 Virtually nothing that the state does can contradict the theory .
10 There is nothing that the disease likes more than a circuitous argument in search of absolute proof on precise definitions of addiction .
11 There was n't the pill in those days and there was simply er really nothing that the woman could do to stop herself getting pregnant .
12 It is worth nothing that the X-ray emission from Cygnus X-1 is irregular and flickers on a millisecond time-scale .
13 The Oxford Thesaurus Electronic Edition is very easy to use , the results of a search appear on the screen almost instantaneously and it lacks nothing that the book would have .
14 Nothing that the Minister has said today convinces me that his heart and his mind have been won over to the case for a funding council .
15 Nothing that the head could do would make religion pervade the life of the school but it had to be recognized , he believed , that religion does permeate some people 's whole private lives .
16 In such circumstances , there is nothing that the directors can do to prevent shareholders selling a controlling interest if they so wish .
17 Mr Lumsden said : ‘ There is a very very strict rule that during a General Election nothing that the Government does can intrude on the election process . ’
18 think what I 'd like , but I could n't prove anything and erm , so there was nothing that the ombudsman could do at that stage , at , as the stage complete
19 And Bridhe and Seumas Ban would make it plain to everyone that the new mistress had their approval .
20 When I very deliberately try and remember it like this I know I end up remembering it and describing it being like a bar scene in a musical , where everyone that the camera pans past is a very definite character , and they 're all so eager when the camera is on them , clapping and laughing and tapping their feet to the music so convincingly .
21 It had quickly become clear to everyone that the new concept ( the ‘ Teller-Ulam configuration ’ ) was likely to prove successful .
22 After apparently driving it to France , Roche nonetheless assured everyone that the dioxin was safe — up until two weeks ago , when it started offering to retrieve it ‘ if it is not ’ .
23 It became obvious to everyone that the Tournament could not continue and after another undue delay , the Earl of Eglinton announced that it was cancelled for the day .
24 McCauley added : ‘ I want to make it clear to everyone that the club is not in financial difficulties . ’
25 Jones responded by reminding everyone that the DOE had been funding his work for nearly three years already , that he had positive results ready to publish , that the DOE funding agent had encouraged him to go ahead and that he was due to speak about them at the Spring Meeting of the American Physical Society in Baltimore during 1–4 May .
26 They let off frequent bursts of fire into the air to remind everyone that the only law in Somalia is administered down the barrel of a gun .
27 It must , indeed , have been clear to everyone that the claims of Canterbury could only be successful if they had the support of the king and the English bishops .
28 It was perfectly clear to everyone that the company could carry on enough trade to flourish only if it supplemented its income by bringing in more goods than its treaty permitted , and the smuggling trade became large enough to disturb the Spanish authorities .
29 However it was considered by everyone that the real reason was to let Alec Douglas-Home have a triumphal return .
30 An engagement party can be arranged to introduce families and friends to the other families , and inform everyone that the young couple are now attached .
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