Example sentences of "[indef pn] [pers pn] know " in BNC.

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1 Everyone I know at home is either here , or has been here .
2 … The horoscope in the Queen prophesies disaster for nearly everyone I know on the 16th of this month ( with the New Moon ) .
3 Everyone I know wants to see Flashman leave .
4 Everyone I know , who ever met Winnie Shaw , had an instant respect and affection for the smiling but determined wee Scot , with a great love of life .
5 Everyone I know seems to have a small , broken family : sometimes broken up by death , sometimes by divorce , usually just by disagreement or boredom .
6 To everyone I know under the age of 35 , it is prehistory .
7 In stores like Harvey Nichols and Joseph they rarely use tags , which is even better Everyone I know nicks from shops .
8 Yeah , everyone I know .
9 I heard about the first one pretty soon , the next night in fact , because everyone I knew was talking about the arrival of the new beauty .
10 I wrote to just about everyone I knew , and then I found some great pen pals through a dog magazine .
11 He seemed to know everyone I knew .
12 A great magnificent image that I did n't want to use as material for a silly magazine article , but which I just could n't resist sharing with everyone I knew and did n't know .
13 I said ‘ Hullo ’ to everyone I knew , and Violet Sangston introduced me to the people I did n't know .
14 Loosing to Coventry and then Charlton in the space of a couple of weeks made just about everyone I knew suicidal — and all cause of Brendan Ormsby failing to kick the ball out into touch on his own dead ball line .
15 For the following twenty-seven days I approached everyone I knew , from the Bow Building Society to distant aunts , even fellow-students , but none of them showed the slightest interest in backing a young woman undergraduate to the tune of sixty pounds in order that she could buy a fruit and vegetable shop .
16 I will offer up these sacrifices , they 're nothing I know , but what can I do , I want to do something , give me a cart load of prickly pears and I 'll do it , I 'll spin them into fripperies for sorceresses , but please please do n't let nothing happen to me .
17 Yeah I know it 's easier no you must feel really gutted , I mean I would I know , because as you said , you going out for ten months yeah exactly , yeah , exactly I mean come on you really liked him fancied him loved him oh wow , I said love , love love , I do n't know love hey man yeah yeah it 's probably , you know like when you dumped him for Danny it 's just probably like that yeah exactly exactly , so do n't worry oh come on he ca n't give up ten months for nothing I know it has to end someday , but it does n't I mean it 's like everyone thinks like that , it really annoys me , everybody , right who 's about our age yeah , they just go out with someone knowing that one day it 's gon na end , they 're just waiting for the day , and that you know , you should go out with someone with the intentions of being with them forever I know that sounds pathetic , but it 's true , yeah I know , yeah exactly yeah , yeah I know , why do you think I said it ?
18 And no-one I know has any sense of ‘ the family ’ .
19 No-one I know know a me as well as you will !
20 No-one I know is proud to admit they are German when they travel abroad .
21 Certainly my personal reaction when hearing of the unexpected death of someone I know has always been , ‘ I must wait to have it confirmed in some sort of irrevocable way because I 'm sure I must have got it wrong ’ .
22 ‘ Could n't be someone I know . ’
23 You are someone I know and trust .
24 Whenever I am working with someone I know and trust I ask them for a quick trim .
25 NOT and I repeat NOT the main carriage , as someone I know once did !
26 I would prefer to employ someone I know — would n't you ? ’
27 ‘ Just someone I know . ’
28 Flavia said , ‘ Your head seen against the white wall , it shows up the structure , I know now whom you remind me of , I saw it when I first met you , but could not place it , it 's not a literal resemblance , it 's something basic , you do look like someone I know . ’
29 ‘ He 's just … well , he 's someone I know .
30 I could n't ask her to sit down as I can when I 'm doing a portrait of someone I know .
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