Example sentences of "[indef pn] [adj] for " in BNC.

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1 Read word by word , it says almost nothing , certainly nothing controversial for us .
2 Again , it might be argued that there can be nothing wrong for a person voluntarily to allow themselves to be treated as a means to the satisfaction of someone else 's desires .
3 They could not find nothing wrong for why I was so ill .
4 Given the knowledge it is always possible to hold someone responsible for their actions .
5 A London agent , apparently acting for someone anxious for an island property , had made a good offer ‘ sight unseen ’ , and Neil 's solicitors ( who knew the place and the difficulties involved ) had strongly advised him to accept it .
6 ‘ I 've — finished with him , yes , ’ she told him stiffly , ‘ but only now do I realise that Travis will always be someone special for me . ’
7 Some manufacturers now charge little or nothing extra for diesel .
8 summat warm for the kids .
9 As curiosities , these few loathsome relics are no doubt both valuable and interesting , but were there a heap of such dry rubbish , one would feel strongly disposed to make a bonfire of the whole , for it looks nothing fit for anything else .
10 As the 18th century wore on , families could expect to see more and more of their children reach adulthood ; nevertheless , the survival rate of Charles and Elizabeth 's offspring — only six out of 13 reached their twenty-first birthday — is certainly nothing abnormal for the period .
11 While what they 've done here is nothing unusual for them , it still shocks the ear .
12 Usual congestion down the Botley Road still , and down the Abingdon Road , that 's nothing unusual for this time in the evening .
13 Nothing substantial for him to act against .
14 The teachings of the Church brought nothing tangible for mankind .
15 She had kept everyone awake for a whole night and Oz had cried into his pillow .
16 SMCC ( not Sun Labs ) is in fact revamping NFS and will be enhancing cache filing and adding multi-threading but it is a generic revision not something specific for its anticipated giant multi-processor Sun Dragon .
17 Religion is something solid for people to lean on .
18 Preferably something profitable for the company . ’
19 He 'd done something dishonest for the first time in his business life , and it sat uneasily on his conscience .
20 Our job is to go over there and come back with a result which keeps everything alive for us in the second leg at Parkhead . ’
21 She would create something special , something outstanding for her .
22 Wha wha what 's your idea of a good time Sharon something exciting for Grantham ?
23 Was it usual to be stood off if you did something wrong for the ?
24 Everything will be all right , I am going to cook something light for your meal — an omelette perhaps ?
25 " Everyone else is busy at the moment , so why do n't we try to get something fresh for the pot .
26 In its wisdom , the Community felt able to do that for the Iberian peninsula a few years ago and it would be right and proper for it to do something analogous for the central European countries .
27 Sixthly , in the first half of the war Hitler appeared to be the incomparable military leader who , nevertheless , as a former Front soldier and one distinguished for bravery knew and understood the ‘ psychology ’ of the ordinary soldier .
28 Examine all the humour you come across — in shops , at work , with children , on the TV — and try to ascertain what it is that makes something funny for you .
29 But we , cos I 'll have to do it for you so , something interesting for me to do .
30 District ) , by G. D. H. Cole ( elected President of the Fabian Society in the same year ) , by Richard Hoggart ( then a staff tutor at the University of Hull ) and by Maurice Bruce ( Director of Extra-Mural Studies at Sheffield ) , all proposing something different for the WEA .
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