Example sentences of "[indef pn] [prep] which " in BNC.

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1 A creature , therefore , can be taught nothing for which the inner , instinctive potential is not already present as a latent pattern in mind and muscle .
2 The church has nothing for which to apologize .
3 If all were clear , undilemmatic and utterly consistent for the members of a society , there would be nothing for them to argue about , and thereby nothing about which to deliberate .
4 it tells us nothing about which departments or chief officers might be more important than others ;
5 The answer is that it comes mid-way between them — which tells us nothing about which of the other two came first .
6 Nothing of which you would approve , Doctor Horrocks , ’ she teased , and saw immediately that the Rector might misunderstand .
7 There was nothing about him he could understand , nothing of which he could be sure .
8 Many draft dodgers say that bars and restaurants in Szeged , plenty of which are owned and run by Yugoslavs , are frequented by secret service agents keeping track of them .
9 Each of the organisations involved has its own particular viewpoint , none of which has been stifled for the sake of consistent unanimity .
10 None of which has any relevance to you , ’ said the woman , ‘ but it 's nice and polite of you to listen . ’
11 The ban would be a major blow to Soviet civil liberties , none of which is long-established or firmly rooted .
12 GRAHAM CHAPMAN and I wrote together almost full time between 1966 and 1973 , writes John Cleese , while producing sketches for The Frost Report , The 1948 Show and Monty Python , as well as several film scripts none of which made their way intact to the silver screen .
13 Instead of positing psychically repressed homosexuality as the necessary and/or sufficient cause of homophobia , we might better regard socially proscribed homosexuality as one of homophobia 's several interconnected and enabling conditions , none of which is independently either necessary or sufficient .
14 When the original object of a wishful impulse has been lost as a result of repression , it is frequently represented by an endless series of substitute objects none of which , however , brings full satisfaction ’ ( vii .
15 They have been spied on by the paparazzi , betrayed by trusted servants , embarrassed by indiscreet friends , and have had to endure a constant torrent of innuendo , gossip , lies and half-truths in newspapers , magazines and books — none of which are they able to repudiate .
16 It was the fact that the same individual could experiment with such a wide range of themes , subjects and styles that kept the spirit of invention alive , and encouraged some startling developments in film narrative , none of which had anything to do with theatrical forms of presentation .
17 This was appalling news for the British companies , none of which had anything like the clout necessary to claim membership of the MPPC .
18 Philly pastiches , jazz-funk ballads , Streetsounds stuff … none of which approaches the real mind-lessening ecstasy of disco .
19 Still other male mice spent a single four-hour period inhaling nitrous oxide before being put with females ( none of which had been exposed to hazardous chemicals ) .
20 Zambia had not seen Alix for months , ever since she 'd set up home with the kid with prosthetic limbs who claimed his disfigurement was due to a variety of fantasies , all of which were subject to detail change , and none of which ever sounded convincing .
21 None of which was apparent in the overweight figure coming slowly alive in their bed .
22 The exhibition Ladislav wanted me to see and which he had not yet seen himself , was a series of documents and photographs relating to the events of 1968 , none of which had been made public before .
23 None of which really helps us to make up our minds .
24 Mr Binstead , who says he has investigated many similar offers , none of which have produced loans , said : ‘ We are making inquiries , but we have not been able to establish whether these offers are going to come through . ’
25 ‘ Good ideas , ’ Boyd says , ‘ none of which ever got made . ’
26 When purchased new , these are subject to 10% car tax plus 15% VAT , none of which is reclaimable by VAT-registered or non registered people .
27 Azotobacter chroococcum , a free-living nitrogen fixer , usually has between five and seven plasmids ( none of which carries the fixation genes ) .
28 Mercier and Baker ( 1985 ) ( see also Baker and Mercier 1982a ) report the results of an extensive and thorough series of experiments ( using the conditioned suppression procedure and a clicker and a light as the stimuli ) , none of which yielded any indication that the S1-S2 procedure diminished the magnitude of latent inhibition .
29 Miss Blanche Glover , like Christabel , had artistic ambitions , and painted large canvases in oil , none of which have survived , as well as carving the skilful and mysterious wood engravings which illustrate Christabel 's delightful , if slightly disquieting , Tales for Innocents , and Tales Told in November , and her religious lyrics , Orisons .
30 Eventually Mr Holdsworth was summoned to attend a Council committee at which he was presented with a list of 26 disciplinary offences , none of which had been raised with him before his suspension .
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