Example sentences of "[indef pn] [adv] because " in BNC.

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1 Now , where a contract is unenforceable against someone merely because he is a minor , a contract of guarantee is enforceable against the guarantor .
2 Except perhaps in rather trivial matters , there is no real sense that one can expect assistance from someone just because they are your brother or your sister .
3 Although the government has told authorities they should not refuse a fast track assessment to someone just because they can not establish ordinary residence , there is nothing to say they may not .
4 You do n't not spend time on someone just because they are n't about any longer .
5 ’ It 's more satisfying to make an arrest but it 's more practical to put someone off because while you 're in the back room charging someone , other shoplifters are having a field day in the store . ’
6 ‘ You do n't get over disliking someone simply because you have n't seen them for a long time . ’
7 I pretended I was someone else because when I 'm vibing with someone about other people 's records , I can pull it off .
8 I was worried that she 'd go off with someone else because she was so pretty and she thought the same about me because I was away from home so much .
9 People had gone up to a house and been knocking on the door waiting for someone to come because the light had come on and they thought there must be somebody in because they switched the light on when they saw me come up the drive , and these are visitors .
10 The only real reason you get to know that there 's somebody there because you can see the legs and the sort of , sort of head , but yo it does tend to get a bit lost against the background .
11 Nobody else because , no
12 Erm it 's in Leeds erm and they know that I 'm going but I may need to call them and say that I 'm sending somebody else because I ca n't possibly go anywhere during the day on Wednesday .
13 er , well I 'm , I 'm a waitress and erm when I 'm working I consider the restaurant my stage and I have to be somebody else because I 'm worried that you know who I am is n't good enough to entertain these people .
14 But I think the actual situation in some of these countries is that erm the loggers especially say like in Sarouac , where the government 's only granted three year licences to logging companies , they 're just going in there , cutting everything down because they 've only got a short space of time , and they 're trying to maximise , obviously , their profit .
15 I only brought that one down because we have n't seen it for a long time , just choose one
16 According to classical mechanics , in theory you could write down the position and momentum of every single particle in the universe ; you could therefore work out how everything is going backwards and forwards in time , obviously by highly complicated equations , but in theory , everything 's predicted so everything 's totally determined from beginning to end ; but quantum mechanics says that you can never record the momentum and position of everything identically because of the Uncertainty Principle .
17 It seemed they could have everything merely because they were boys , they would not have to sacrifice anything for anything else .
18 Possible , but if I was a BNP yob I 'd think he was taking the piss and would throw something , and if I was n't , I might throw something anyway because nationalism stinks — keep those ‘ Ethnic Cleansing ’ concentration camps in your mind .
19 Hewlett-Packard Co is not a company to rush into something just because it is the fashion , but with ICL Plc firmly in the Sparc camp , Groupe Bull SA committed to IBM Corp 's Power RISC and Ing C Olivetti & Co SpA 's allegiance to the Alpha RISC bought dearly by Digital Equipment Corp — with Hewlett an unsuccessful contender in both the last two cases , the company may well be beginning to think that persuading Siemens-Nixdorf Informationssysteme AG of the virtues of the Precision Architecture RISC is a high priority if it is to be seen to have equal standing with its three closest rivals in Europe .
20 If some project comes up during the course of the year , I would have thought that it might be appropriate to erm er cobble the name of centenary onto it , but I do n't really think that this year we just commit ourselves to something just because there 's a hundred years of parish government coming up .
21 I turned one over because he was choking , ’ said Mrs Davis .
22 The university list is longer than the polytechnic/college one partly because of the greater range of degrees , and partly because of the greater number of more specialized degrees in the universities , although it should be remembered that specialized patterns of options may exist within broad degree programmes .
23 He must have something though because I mean there 's another
24 I mean if you 're interested in one I 'll take one out because
25 Yes I pick up on the comment from the , Notts are n't as in control as they were , after first Tony and then Paul got their names on the score sheet in each case for the first time this season , both with bristling finishing efforts and you 'd be a harsh critic indeed who did n't agree that Pisa deserved to pull one back because they played some fine attacking football , and it was the player who 's caused most danger , who 's wearing the number eleven that moved across to the right hand side , got clear of the defence , pulled back an absolutely brilliant clot cross and in the middle who 'd missed an earlier header on fifteen minutes to make it one one , did n't miss on this occasion .
26 He 's engaged and they 're saving up to get married , but Helen and him thought it 'd be better to buy one now because they 'll have a lot of expenses after they 're married and wo n't have Helen 's wages . ’
27 And I learnt a lot — mostly about myself … about giving everything but keeping something back because you 'll have to start giving again tomorrow .
28 And I thought we 've had to Eileen back something before because they 've fought .
29 Adam Burns was a hard man to get to know , but one thing she was instinctively sure of was that he 'd never back away from something simply because it was dangerous .
30 Mum , there 's a special one here because it 's you will have to be
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