Example sentences of "[num ord] night the " in BNC.

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1 On the first night the effect should be specially pronounced .
2 Walks on the beach were impossible because the Army had covered the sands with barbed wire and netting and on the couple 's first night the skating rink in front of the Grand Hotel was burned down .
3 And the next night the backdrop was ‘ A Night in Spain ’ , and there was Stella II , it was his very first night , all done up in black and gold lace with an underskirt of violent red , a red Elizabeth the First wig for some reason and a real red rose , it was sensational , and it was his first night too , Stella II doing ‘ Te Amo ’ till the tears ran down his face .
4 Next night the same .
5 Next night the mice came again , and gnawed through the soldiers ' belts and sword-straps , so they had no means of keeping their swords and their breeches on .
6 A company spokesman said last night the programme was part of a company-wide strategy to broaden its recruitment net .
7 Last night the Giants , their neighbours from across the San Francisco Bay , sealed the National League championship series against the Chicago Cubs , winning 3-2 to complete a 4-1 victory and take their first pennant for 27 years .
8 Last night the extent of the blockade remained confused .
9 The idea was immediately rejected by the main health service union , Nupe , which said last night the Government was trying to split the ambulance staff .
10 The BR chairman , Sir Robert Reid , said last night the board accepted in full the findings and 93 recommendations of the Hidden report .
11 The idea was immediately rejected by the main health service union , Nupe , which said last night the Government was trying to split the ambulance staff .
12 Last night the people who live and work round Rutland Water held a protest meeting to decide how to tackle this threat to their health and their jobs .
13 However , late last night the organisers were still considering the Australian bid .
14 However , late last night the organisers were still considering the Australian bid .
15 But last night the Conservatives seized upon the relaunch as evidence of a serious split .
16 The Ministry of Defence has been obliged to freeze its own orders to British industry in the run-up to the election , but a Downing Street spokesman said last night the civil service guidelines allowed the announcement of foreign arms sales .
17 Last night the four jurors said : ‘ We suggest the easiest way to resolve the matter is for each member of the jury to identify his own hand-written ballot paper . ’
18 Last night the Meningitis Trust , based in Stroud , Gloucestershire , welcomed moves towards a vaccine against a strain which accounted for 82 of 246 meningitis deaths in England and Wales in 1989 .
19 Last night the old campaigner Benn was at an end of election meeting at a local community hall ; tonight there is a post-count tea with sandwiches .
20 Last night the INLA gave a warning in a statement that it was ready to mount further attacks .
21 Then last night the police called to tell me that Mum , Dad , Pet and Wee Charlie were missing , but that you were safe .
22 I would have liked to have shown the audience last night the footage that I did in Panama .
23 Pigs are good because with one along there is no need to bring a toilet and on the last night the pig can be eaten .
24 Last night the girls ' grandmother Della Schoo , said : ‘ I have no idea why the children were left alone .
25 Last night the Association of British Travel Agents hailed the price cuts as ‘ tremendous news ’ for holidaymakers .
26 London Underground said last night the station was in the process of being evacuated at the time of the blast .
27 Last night the little boy , thought to be only 24 hours old , was out of danger after being treated for exposure .
28 Last night the Swiss apartment was deserted and no one was available for comment at his Dallas offices .
29 Last night the Consumers ' Association Which ? promised to investigate .
30 Unrepentant Lloyds said last night the error was all Helena 's — she should not have gone overdrawn in the first place .
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