Example sentences of "[Wh adv] there [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Aah 'm not so sure , ’ he replied , ‘ but Aah reckons as 'ow there must be .
2 The first was the liege homage owed by Henry III ( and , in future , whenever there might be a change of king in either England or France ) to the kings of France , a kind of ‘ priority ’ homage which could involve the giving of military aid against any enemy of the French crown whenever it was demanded .
3 Just one relevant instance is Roland Barthes 's celebration of difference , so much difference in fact , as eventually to subvert repression itself , producing a concept of desire wherein there would be , for instance , not homosexuality but homosexualities ‘ whose plural will baffle any constituted , centred discourse ’ ( Roland Barthes , 69 ) .
4 One example of how there may be problems with the new system is the case of stroke .
5 It highlighted how there would be limits on the ‘ sexual choices ’ available to people according to their class , race , gender , etc .
6 He said all these marvellous things to me , told me how beautiful I was and how there would never be another girl in the world for him … ’
7 It was just on a minute on page seventy-nine , I think we want to get the support of local M Ps , one a has I think , has been just indicated , is contradictory , it might be better to say , ‘ although the document indicated that local authorities would be expected to undertake extra , an extra , or extra duties , the resources needed are , no indication was given of how there would be extra resources , or something like that , you see it 's contradictory at the moment , it says there 's no indication of the role , and then says that they would need resources , and actually if you look through the document , you will see from time-to-time it is indicated what local authorities are expected to do , for instance recycling of litter and the lot , and I think that that might be actually picked up by M P's and say , ‘ Well , what actually have you , do you mean to say ’ , well , what we 're really saying , are we not , that here is an indication of things that we 're expected to do , but as usual , of course , the government has n't indicated what erm where the resources were coming from .
8 If a covenant goes further than necessary to protect the value of the transferred business , it is conceptually very difficult to see how there will be scope for exemption under Article 85(3) .
9 Though I respect the teachings of Islam I do n't understand how there can be one law for men and another for women .
10 So , come and see the different faces of Rhodes and ask yourself how there can possibly be so much in one place .
11 The substance of all that has so far been written in this chapter illustrates how there can be established a firm belief that God and man have developed from a common origin , the origin itself being irrelevant .
12 More important , natural selection provides a model of how there can be change towards a kind of fit or harmony , towards structured complexity , which is neither planned nor the result of goal-directed activity .
13 Mr E finds it hard to understand , if he compares Dave with his ‘ hard-working , extremely bright sister ’ , one year older , also at this school , how there can be two such different children in one family .
14 ( I , 817 — 18 ) Sartre arrives at what he calls ‘ the real problem of History ’ , that is how there can be totalization without a totalizer , only at the very end of Volume I. It is not until the next volume , however , that he intends to show how individual actions , separate multiplicities , make up ‘ one human history , with one truth and one intelligibility ’ ( I , 69 ) .
15 This strategy marks a structure of repetition in Sartre 's text : each time he poses the question of how there can be totalization of History without a totalizer , he retreats to a more limited example whose unity is already evident , but which in the end only brings him back to the original question again .
16 For all his use of the model of the boxing match , Sartre has really got no further with the fundamental question of how there can be totalization without a totalizer .
17 It needs support from an explanation , in terms of the conditional theory , of how there can be such counter-examples .
18 ‘ The ground of any action based on negligence is the concurrence of breach of duty and damage , and I can not see how there can be that concurrence unless the duty still exists and is breached when the damage occurs .
19 The ground of any action based on negligence is the concurrence of breach of duty and damage , and I can not see how there can be that concurrence unless the duty still exists and is breached when the damage occurs .
20 If the procedure employed up to the foot of the hearing of the committal application can not be criticised and the committal order has been correctly drawn , it is difficult to see how there can be an appeal against the committal order .
21 Indeed U may have no conventional meaning , which allows for the creation of new terms , nonce expressions , and thus ultimately for some aspects of language change ( for an explanation of how these communications may be understood , see Schiffer , 1972 : Chapter V ) But crucial for pragmatics , Grice 's theory explains how there can be interesting discrepancies between speaker-meaning ( Grice 's meaning-nn ) and sentence-meaning .
22 It seems that this tax charge does not actually cancel out the potential tax charge referred to above but it is difficult to see how there can be double tax problems because there can only be a charge on monies remitted to the United Kingdom and this can not extend beyond the amounts actually available to be so remitted .
23 In particular , I do not see how there could have been an appeal against such an assessment pursuant to paragraph 10(3) of Schedule 20 ; because such an appeal presupposes an assessment which , apart from the impugned error , would otherwise have been valid .
24 ‘ Anyway , ’ she said with a frown , ‘ I do n't see how there could be a connection .
25 Similarly , it is difficult to see how there could be any circulation of the blood in a two-dimensional creature .
26 Since mallards do not dive there was presumably no great competition between the two species for food but with over 100 birds on such a small stretch of water it was difficult to see how there could be enough to go round .
27 ‘ He was going on about fighting the war and how there should be no place here for ‘ Pakis ’ , how they should go home , ’ said Safina .
28 ‘ I do n't see how there 'd be time , ’ Madeleine prevaricated .
29 In other cases , concessions for cinemas , recreational facilities , hairdressers or restaurants may not be ‘ concessions ’ at all but devices to gain custom on days of the week , or at certain specified times when there would otherwise be little business .
30 Lunch was now on its way , he added , and he hoped everyone would return for drinks at five-thirty when there would be Interesting Developments as per their printed programmes .
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