Example sentences of "[Wh adv] they [be] " in BNC.

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1 'E was jus ' tellin' me about the unions , an' 'ow they 're all worried about a General Strike .
2 REM sleep is thus even more clearly associated with dreaming in so-called " non-dreamers " than regular dreamers , who tend to report dreaming whenever they 're woken up !
3 I was just going to say that being a photographer , we find that more and more people come with their mothers instead of the fiance whenever they 're going to get married , and it is all the time , the mother has a big say in it you know , instead of the couple .
4 This is where the tourists go , whenever they 're caught short . ’
5 Because both he and his mate are mobbed as pillagers whenever they are spotted by other birds , the jay realises that reticence is essential for the safety of the expected brood .
6 As we saw under Beliefs ( see page 21 ) it is easy to fall prey to some recurring unrealistic thoughts or beliefs which cause you to feel upset whenever they are violated so , either while you are being hindered by an unproductive feeling or after an experience where you are hindered , or when you feel vulnerable to the onset of an unproductive feeling , ask yourself : ‘ How can I make more effective use of this present moment ? ’
7 They wear muzzles at all times when they are together at home , and we put them in separate rooms whenever they are left on their own .
8 Whenever they are exposed to real difficulty ’ , he pointed out , ‘ they run for the British umbrella . ’
9 Almost 17 million of South Africa 's 28 million blacks live in the homelands and their support at the ballot box is crucial whenever they are finally given the vote .
10 Because I know the scouts do the Tesco one and whenever they are put in these cardboard boxes they have to be sorted so somebody must sort them .
11 ‘ It draws all the Gentlemen to it whenever they are within , especially after Dinner , so that my Br Fanny & I have the Library to ourselves in delightful quiet . ’
12 It should advocate consultation and active information seeking by local authorities whenever they are concerned with coastal and offshore developments .
13 That they will take all reasonable steps to advise the Society whenever they are notified of a claim arising under a policy to which this Agreement applies to which the cost of settlement is likely to exceed $1,000 .
14 The nether millstone is the nuclear industry , which is protected by the mysterious ENOR — the existing nuclear operating regime — which protects the nuclear industry so that all its power stations will run whenever they are available to run , a condition which may be applied to Sizewell B as well .
15 As a result workers could be drawn from the Indian sub-continent whenever they were required by Britain .
16 The line became instantly popular and managements all over the world were impatient to snap them up whenever they were free .
17 She quoted from an address that John was supposed to give to his troupes whenever they were about to tour :
18 They are present in most of the major faunas known from the Middle and Upper Triassic , in land area that now constitute Tanzania , Brazil , Argentina , North America , Britain and Germany ; and whenever they were present they were the most abundant type of land animal .
19 The townsfolk of Kirkbymoorside realised that while the snow lasted , the farm-wives would be unable to reach the market with their produce so Annie and Elizabeth were secure in the knowledge that whenever they were able to get out of the valley , their customers would be waiting .
20 Again the two brothers were pushing at each other and as they all mounted the steps Ellen stepped and walked by the side of her son , something she was in the habit of doing whenever they were in company , and which Joe had been aware of from the time she had recovered after his uncle 's death .
21 During the week , whenever they were out , she insisted that she roll her hair up and put it under the cap .
22 Teenaged boys paraded in groups of three or four , jostling each other , laughing and shouting ; groups of girls , on the whole less brash and aggressive , giggled and chattered , calling to the boys whenever they were in range .
23 His devotion to her is evident in the letters he wrote whenever they were separated .
24 But more often than not , whenever they were under the same roof together , he shared her bed and , now that her initial awkwardness had abated — for she had never seen a naked human being of either sex before and had always been discouraged from looking too closely at herself — he made love to her with a straightforward vigour she found attractive .
25 Whenever they were founded and however they were organised , these reasons have now disappeared .
26 My dad used to love chocolate cake , and , whenever they were having a row , my mum would remember that chocolate was ‘ a poisonous thorn in the side of Creation ’ .
27 She was uncertain in some places , still finding her way , upstaged by him whenever they were on together , but the rippling golden voice never faltered , and in the Varasdin duet with Freddi she took flight again , gave the whole scene a sense of gaiety and even kept Freddi on key for once .
28 I know , I know Brian would n't at least three but , and this , and this was n't really big enough and they use two side by side , whenever they were late or away for a weekend I took over and see to the cats feed , they were sweet erm used to come on the porch and meow at me , it 's my dinner time , come on , just get not time yet , used to come to the porch , and tell me , they used to know when I was n't coming home , how do they do it ?
29 While Miller was preparing the Kalendar , he was told of the ‘ ungenerous intention ’ of others to use Dictionary information for the same purpose , ‘ upon which I was the more intent to have it published before such a design could be accomplished by any other hand , which was not very difficult for me to do , having a complete Diary of my own , so that I had little more to do than to transcribe my loose papers and dispose them into the method wherein they are here presented to the world . ’
30 He described to me the glen in a storm — the darkness that mantles it , the springing into life of untold hosts of runlets , the careering in mad fury of the burns as they break through and tower above the channel wherein they are wont to flow ; the showers , the careering of the clouds , the thunderings and the lightning-flashings , and the artillery of the winds , as the air-gusts meet the peaks and explode in the hollows of the darksome corries .
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