Example sentences of "[Wh adv] [noun pl] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Just when we 're strapped for cash , only a load of new clothes can save us from looking dowdy — you would n't be alone in thinking that the whole thing is nothing more than a brilliant wheeze dreamt up by the fashion industry whenever times get tough .
2 The policeman only stood and fought because he could n't run ; and run is what you must always do whenever knives come out .
3 Further resources may need to be accumulated , and this should be regarded as an on-going process , with useful material being added whenever opportunities arise .
4 It seems that , whenever blacks turn their attention to a particular sport , they rise to a high order of competence in it .
5 But the support is not being available whenever parents ask for help .
6 Whenever controversies came , it was observed , he gathered every author who could throw light on them ; he saw both sides of a case with more imagination than most of his contemporaries .
7 And the school must close whenever winds gusting at more than 50 mph are forecast .
8 Whenever economists make predictions or offer advice they use principles .
9 But this is just the mirror image of the bourgeois view that whenever workers take a militant stance this must be due to manipulation by agitators , and again does not reflect people 's considered judgement .
10 Whenever universities hand out degrees on the basis of who will bring in the best publicity and therefore the biggest cheques , they dishonour their own honours system .
11 This group is the first to rise up in indignation and shout ‘ witch-hunt ’ and ‘ persecution ’ whenever Christians condemn the occult .
12 But such pretentious billing set up Cuisine 2000 for instant mockery whenever problems arose — as surely they did .
13 On a superficial level then , the SuperCut is the safer tool , slipping whenever problems arise , though there is concern about the chain breaking .
14 The problem.solving framework , in contrast , ensures that the information that emerges regarding a specific pupil 's difficulty in its context is generated in such a way that it also helps teachers in general — whether or not they know the pupil under discussion — to learn to ask themselves the kinds of questions that are helpful whenever problems arise in any pupil 's learning situation .
15 They monopolise access to public positions , they hold competition in check , they allow their expenses to be more than comfortably met from tax revenue and whenever things Set tough they form an excessively large coalition , not against any parliamentary minority but instead against the majority of non-organised voters …
16 Whenever things went wrong she would blame us and say that we were causing Bernard difficulties . ’
17 In marital therapy it is often noticeable that although a couple are asking for help to sort out their problem , so that they may have the closeness and intimacy for which they yearn , fear overcomes hope , and whenever things start to improve one of them can be relied upon to start up the next quarrel .
18 Whenever conditions arise in which a new kind of replicator can make copies of itself , the new replicators will tend to take over , and start a new kind of evolution of their own .
19 Wherever we can , whenever tenants want it , and where resources allow , we will pull down the eyesores which have blotted our cityscapes and too often provided breeding grounds for crime and delinquency .
20 Thus whenever goods turn out to be unsatisfactory , they immediately attack the seller with the complaint that they are unfit for purpose .
21 Whenever patients do not recover uneventfully after laparoscopic cholecystectomy , early ERCP is a safe and valuable approach to visualise the location and extent of any lesion .
22 Whenever motorists used a particular section of road they would pay for the upkeep of the road and for the congestion they caused .
23 Whenever finances allowed , ( the only obstacle to international art exchange ) shows and exhibitions of importance had been brought into the capitals of the former Yugoslav republics .
24 ‘ Hold your guard up , laddie , ’ were the words barked out again and again whenever fists reached chins .
25 Whenever teachers have assumed they were marking the work of boys , they have consistently rated it as ‘ better ’ than when they have assumed it was written by girls .
26 Keep some hand cream near the kitchen sink as well as the bathroom basin , so that a dab is put on whenever hands have been in water .
27 In Dicey 's words it meant that ‘ whenever men act in concert for a common purpose they tend to create a body , which from no fiction of law but from the very nature of things , differs from the individuals of whom it is constituted . ’
28 " Whenever men rule by virtue of their wealth , be they few or many , there you have oligarchy ; and where the poor rule , there you have democracy . "
29 What is more , co-operative R&D ventures may provide a forum in which firms learn to co-operate and collude with each on a wider basis , particularly if they create well-defined strategic groups that bring peer-group pressure to bear on each other whenever incentives to cheat appear .
30 All those kinds of slogans were a very good example of how er , women hating comes to the fore whenever women get in positions women are not supposed to be in .
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