Example sentences of "[indef pn] has [adv] " in BNC.

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1 No one ever asked me to do so — though everyone has since assumed that , for all eternity , it will be my round of drinks . )
2 ‘ So what I think we 've got to do , ’ says Howard , ‘ is to set up a society where everyone has enough sort of … contentment … to be sort of contented , but not so much that they ca n't see that all this sort of contentment is sort of blinding them to the possibility of becoming sort of more contented in a sort of kind of deeper sort of … ’
3 Thus when you are the only person to get up when a lady comes into the room , or when everyone has half finished their food and you are still waiting for Grace , by standing up , for failing to lift fork and knife , you are drawing attention to the sins of omission of the others and silently rebuking them .
4 ‘ I know Alan from the England set-up , and everyone has always been impressed with his work . ’
5 Though if he took his own life , as everyone has always supposed , and as we are still likely to be supposing after the present rumours have been scotched — if the balance of his mind was disturbed , that curious disruption which accompanies a man 's election to end his life , but never any other procedure , no matter how eccentric or irrational — then reasons are not to be looked for .
6 Furthermore , nothing has yet been said about all the research that does not depend on the collection of data by the sociologist ( primary data ) but instead makes use of secondary data — the wealth of material already available from other sources , such as government statistics , personal diaries , newspapers , and other kinds of information .
7 " If nothing has yet been settled with regard to Ald. Hallam 's gift of a thousand pounds , it seems to me well worth considering whether it would not be more advantageous to the School to endow a " Hallam Lectureship in Natural Science " than to found a scholarship .
8 Nothing has ever looked less inspired or more unready for action .
9 I know that nothing has ever been proved against the man , but you 've heard the rumours about how he tries to pressurise people . ’
10 Nothing has basically changed , however : the mimicry of bygone styles remains just as immaculate as in Visconti 's work , not only in costumes and hairstyles , in sets and shop-fronts , but down to that surprisingly potent signifier of the recent past , the typeface ( as in all those beguiling un-period credit titles ) .
11 The BBC series ‘ Revolutions in Sound ’ , broadcast in 1988 , gave great publicity to the possibility of these records existing , but nothing has so far turned up .
12 ‘ According to our faith , ’ he wrote , ‘ nothing has always existed except God alone , Who is altogether immobile . ’
13 ‘ The truth is nothing has really changed .
14 However , to illustrate my belief that nothing has really changed , while I was taking a few notes from a caddie in Montpellier in the south of France — he was telling me how ‘ we 'd hit a great pitch in at the last ’ — I happened to notice the sign above the caddie shack .
15 Even though time has marched on and Danes and Vikings have invaded it , Catholic , Anglican and Methodist religion have influenced it , nothing has really changed its basic aura and raison d'etre .
16 ‘ I suppose — ’ she shot him a quick glance ‘ — I suppose , to be honest , nothing has really changed under the surface , has it ? ’
17 Despite a massive PR job by Buckingham Palace , it looks like nothing has really changed as far as Charles and Di are concerned !
18 Since the publication of Boris Shalotsky 's The Semiology of Lawn-Mowers : inflections of the genre , nothing has more graphically encapsulated bourgeois Angst than the disputed merits of different lawn-mowers .
19 That is absolutely right , and nothing has more clearly revealed the Opposition 's attitude to people 's wishes in the matter than their persistent hostility to the 4 million or more people who have taken out personal pensions for exactly that reason .
20 All the evidence suggests that no-one has properly quantified the cost of educating end users in all the user-hostile features of a dumb 3270 attached to a mainframe application , let alone any of the other hidden costs of the mainframe .
21 It also turns out that the ratio of proportions is rather cumbersome to handle when dealing with many variables at once , and no-one has yet proposed a way of decomposing it into component effects as they have with d s and with measures based on odds .
22 It is going , perhaps , less strongly than it might if the techniques that the laboratory uses for dating pottery , wood and other materials — though no-one has yet found a method of dating metals — were not available .
23 No-one has yet managed to get ICE CUBE to sup on the drink , but hopefully Paraquat can be added to the mixture .
24 No-one has yet made a significant case for inclusion .
25 That produced a form of waste that was hot , highly toxic , radioactive ; that will remain dangerous for hundreds of years and that no-one has yet thought of a way of disposing of ?
26 Do not keep saying to yourself ‘ But how can it be like that ? ’ because you will get … into a blind alley from which no-one has yet escaped . ’
27 This option must be used when an SPR has been passed on 6 times using option 3.4.0 — Accept/Reject SPR and no-one has yet taken responsibility for it .
28 ‘ But no-one has ever tried , ’ argued Mould .
29 ‘ I will show you the only book no-one has ever read a word of . ’
30 No-one has ever been able to explain precisely why the tropical forests and coral reefs contain so many species , but the two habitats do have several obvious features in common .
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