Example sentences of "[indef pn] at all " in BNC.

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1 I can safely claim that nobody at all can read what follows without learning something new about him , any more than I could have imagined , when I began preparing it , how much unrecorded information I would find .
2 We talk about ‘ god ’ sometimes here at home , and you have been told at school to sing hymns and say prayers to ‘ god ’ , and you hear ‘ god ’ spoken about on the radio and television , also your friends talk and argue about ‘ god ’ , but nobody at all will tell you who or what ‘ god ’ really is , and this is because ‘ god ’ is only imaginary just as fairies are .
3 Nobody at all should presume to criticise him !
4 Always out gallivanting , and him home with a sitter or maybe nobody at all , for all I know . ’
5 He went to the door , opened it and looked down the steps expecting to see the burly figure of the constable emerge and climb the steps to meet him , but to John 's surprise there was nobody at all .
6 With upwards of four-fifths of people here having less than 30s. in personal property , nobody at all was worth as much as 40s. in one township out of every three , especially upland ones like Arncliff , Hellifield and Kettlewell , though these were not the only ones .
7 " Nobody at all . "
8 ( We will leave aside , for the moment , the upper House of the British Parliament , which consists entirely of persons elected by nobody at all . )
9 " No , " said Auntie , " Nobody at all … "
10 There was nobody at all here .
11 Her imagined crime was something she could not tell her beloved and admired brother , and without that there had been nobody at all .
12 But it 's a classical version of Swan Lake that will offend no child and no woman , in fact nobody at all . ’
13 There no , no , nobody at all .
14 No , nobody at all .
15 Yes , I think there is a fair point there but er I do n't know whether you listeners appreciate that nobody at all , whether disabled or not will have to repay the student loan after they 've graduated if their income is below 85% of the national average wage , which is currently 11,500 pounds , er we are recognising that they do face some additional costs er when they 've graduated and that should be taken into account and that will be one of the things in our concession .
16 There 's nuffink at all yer can do when the spring goes , ’ Broomhead said , grinning evilly .
17 Ah 's goin' on patrol now , jus ’ call fer Clyde if you needin' anythin' at all . ’
18 The lofty official view is that the agitators in favour of an entirely fresh deal — or preferably none at all — with the CFTC command little support among the membership and distract the association from grappling with real issues such as Globex , the Chicago Mercantile Exchange 's putative electronic trading system .
19 Cheaper bags often have small thin baffles which can flatten away from the zip or none at all .
20 It can be applied to all kinds of objective situations or none at all .
21 None at all . ’
22 * At the present rate of destruction many countries whose only real asset is the forest may have none at all by the year 2,000 .
23 In most years , rail deaths are few : in some there are none at all .
24 He said the bill would end the situation where an employer had to dismiss either all the strikers or none at all .
25 If the choice facing us were legal , clean , decently performed abortion or none at all , no doubt many of us would be hard put to it to vote for the former ; but in fact the choice is between the legal , clean sort and backstreet self-induced efforts of the Ottey 's Pills variety .
26 What is needed is either full co-ordination , or none at all , with countries concentrating on their domestic needs .
27 Mr Waigel is a Bavarian born and bred who has little love for Bonn but none at all for the former Prussian capital .
28 Hobbes found it remarkable that some , but not all , things had conscious awareness and perception : ‘ Of all the phenomena or appearances which are near us , the most admirable is apparition itself … namely , that some natural bodies have in themselves the patterns almost of all things , and others of none at all . ’
29 It was so pitifully easy for the customers : the temptation so hard to resist , to pick up a bar or two of chocolate from the counter , a packet of tea from the shelf , even a bag of flour , as my aunt came from behind the counter , passed through to the kitchen , down the steps into the old still-room to draw vinegar from the cask , or paraffin from the tank ( its pump rattling up-down , up-down ) , or across the yard for corn or toppings , or up the back stairs for some item kept on the little landing ; so that the shop began to make small profit or none at all .
30 None at all in fact .
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