Example sentences of "[indef pn] i could " in BNC.

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1 I had invited everyone I could think of to tea , and we had been invited back , but it was not her style , and when she complained that it was not right for her ‘ to be living among all these old people ’ I understood very well what she meant .
2 There was nothing I could do for it this time' ) , but ‘ Is She Really Going Out With Him ? ’ , formerly ditched , now finds itself reinstated , although apparently in a setting designed to tease out its reluctant humour once and for all .
3 There was nothing I could think of to say , so I said nothing .
4 I feel like that the situation in which Carrington was in is what God does and that I 'm part of that situation , and that he was going to die , and that there was nothing I could do about it .
5 I knew there was nothing I could do but that did n't seem to be the point .
6 Nothing I could n't take , ’ he replied , with the same arrogant grin .
7 There was nothing I could do .
8 There was nothing I could do . ’
9 I just could n't get past this amp 's tendency toward a cold , smudgy type of overdrive and , what 's more , nothing I could do — including employing the ‘ Enhance ’ circuit — could warm or smooth it up .
10 ‘ They were a bit wild in the studio , but nothing I could n't handle ! ’ he laughs .
11 I do not play golf , nor do I have any particular interest in the sport , so there was nothing I could teach Peter in the practical sense .
12 ( There was nothing I could do about my khaki shorts except tighten the wizened Dan Dare belt that Brynley had passed on . )
13 There was nothing I could do . ’
14 I told him about Hirondelle and how Deacon Billingsley had lied about the yacht 's fate , and I confessed that though there was nothing I could do about a corrupt policeman , nor about what I strongly suspected had been the murder of a yacht 's crew , I was still curious about the island .
15 There was nothing I could do about it . ’
16 Lying about my family 's social status came easily enough , but there was nothing I could do about the more visible signs of poverty .
17 Since there was nothing I could do about what was happening to my body , I decided — not altogether consciously — to ignore it and to interest myself in other , more spiritual matters .
18 ‘ There was nothing I could do , ’ conceded Graf .
19 ‘ There was nothing I could do about it .
20 ‘ There was nothing I could do about the accident .
21 I rang my dealer who told me there was nothing I could do about it .
22 There was nothing I could do but go on .
23 ‘ It used to get me so angry and I really wanted to protect my mother and help her , but I was only six at the time and there was nothing I could do .
24 Dawn 's nervousness while she was attached to my hand lasted for quite a while and there was nothing I could do about it other than reassure her .
25 ‘ It was not my choice , ’ she said , ‘ but there was nothing I could do .
26 And when in 1973 the Lord Chief Justice was asked to ‘ give some guidance upon the phrase ‘ cohabiting as man and wife ’ he swiftly handed back the poisoned cup , saying that the phrase was ‘ so well known that nothing I could say about it could possibly assist in its interpretation hereafter ’ .
27 My father was the sweetest man in the world and there was nothing I could fight him for , or do against him , or he against me , because nothing was said that I did n't agree with , or he did n't agree with , because I was a very easy child .
28 There was nothing I could do .
29 I felt a lot of anger , but there was nothing I could do with it ; then it faded , until I started making some connections with feminism at the beginning of the seventies .
30 And there was nothing I could do .
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