Example sentences of "[indef pn] i had " in BNC.

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1 Of course , everyone I had met today had this wide-eyed look ; the wounded , the jeep drivers , and the Commandos occupying the weapon pits .
2 I had lost faith , not in God but in the carnal love which so preoccupied almost everyone I had ever known .
3 The experience of playing with one , or on one , was astonishing ; nothing I had read had prepared me for it at all .
4 ‘ They found out nothing I had n't told them .
5 There was nothing I had to tell him .
6 But nothing I had looked right on me .
7 About two months after I had returned home , a letter came from Angela Woodin at Bletchley ; she was someone I had wanted to see but had not had the opportunity :
8 Later I had the honour and privilege of meeting Odette Churchill , the heroine of the French Resistance , someone I had admired for years , ever since reading about her exploits when she received her medal after the war .
9 ‘ Well , I suppose what I mean is that Richard is someone I would never have introduced to my parents — and he is someone I had quite a … sexual relationship with .
10 Nobody I had spoken to in the train , or on the ferry , had ever visited Moila , which must support , so I was told by one slow-spoken Highlander , no more than thirty folk in all .
11 The question I return to , he wrote ( and Goldberg typed ) , is always the same : I put everything into this , everything I had by way of mind and body and heart , and this is what I have produced .
12 As I looked through the viewer I had the feeling , momentarily , that it really was what I had dreamed about for so long , a sort of crystal ball in which I could call up everything I had ever known .
13 Although I left the car park wearing a long-sleeved T-shirt with my warmer clothes packed away in the rucksack , the walk was now a serious business and I was wearing everything I had with me .
14 If the location of Alison 's house was a surprise , the interior was everything I had expected .
15 Interested in everything I had to say .
16 Wigan coach John Monie admitted : ‘ Everything I had heard about Workington proved to be true .
17 It was everything I had ever wanted . ’
18 I took all my money out of the banks , sold everything I had and packed up . ’
19 ‘ When the police told me everything I had been doing over the last month it totally freaked me out . ’
20 Everything I had drawn was there , but nothing more .
21 They recalled almost in totality everything I had written , the people I had interviewed , the story of the vast corruption in New York 's building trades and how it affected the construction of their monumental World Financial Centre on the Hudson .
22 I was thinking , in contravention of everything I had been taught , that this casual immorality would be more wholesome than the hidden hatreds of marital strife .
23 This is what a girl in Borstal meant when she said to me , ‘ I gave him everything I had but it was n't enough ’ .
24 I left almost everything I had " .
25 ‘ It was then that she showed just how avaricious she was — demanding a half-share of everything I had before she would move out .
26 You took my youth , my innocence — everything I had ! — and then you flung me aside when you knew I could give you nothing … and you left me nothing ! ’
27 And yet I risked everything I had worked towards , all the hope of what I might do in a position of real power , for something that was obviously doomed to failure from the start .
28 If you 're administering , you might as well administer something that is new and challenging rather than doing something I had been doing all my life .
29 I 'd smoked a joint and taken tincture of cannabis , which is something I had done because I did n't smoke cigarettes and the hippies around me would say , ‘ Give her a spoonful of tincture of cannabis so that she 'll get stoned ’ but I did n't know if cocaine was like that .
30 It was something I had never admitted to myself .
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