Example sentences of "[indef pn] i [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 Everyone I know at home is either here , or has been here .
2 … The horoscope in the Queen prophesies disaster for nearly everyone I know on the 16th of this month ( with the New Moon ) .
3 Everyone I know wants to see Flashman leave .
4 Everyone I know , who ever met Winnie Shaw , had an instant respect and affection for the smiling but determined wee Scot , with a great love of life .
5 Everyone I know seems to have a small , broken family : sometimes broken up by death , sometimes by divorce , usually just by disagreement or boredom .
6 To everyone I know under the age of 35 , it is prehistory .
7 In stores like Harvey Nichols and Joseph they rarely use tags , which is even better Everyone I know nicks from shops .
8 Yeah , everyone I know .
9 Lastly , everyone I 've spoken to on the subject would shorten the length of the bass by cutting off the V-shaped cleft in the headstock , which adds nought to the decorative aspect of the bass .
10 ‘ I 've had a stormy relationship with everyone I 've ever worked with , ’ says Nicky , ‘ because I care about what I do !
11 Everyone I 've ever been serious about has wanted marriage and children , ultimately .
13 I do n't want to be one of the best in the world , I want to be the best in the world , and everyone I come up against is a stepping stone to me getting over that bridge .
14 EVERYONE I have spoken to about the New Zealand tour of Wales agrees that , if they are going to be beaten by anyone , it will be by one of the clubs rather than by the national side .
15 Everyone I have spoken to about him — without exception — brought up his reading , the breadth of it , the compulsion , and the evangelical enjoyment he took in passing on what he had read the night before .
16 The warmth and obvious pleasure of everyone I meet and see in the Cynon Valley that day is humbling and exhilirating .
17 Knowing you , Jesus , brings so much joy and hope into my life that I want to share you with everyone I meet ,
18 Nearly everyone I meet seems to be doing something these days .
19 Everyone I meet seems pleased that I am not a merchant banker or barrister from London , ’ he said .
20 I poison everyone I touch .
21 obviously we 've got to work together on all , are you listening to me ? , on all the different parts of the body , you want them all to come alive , okay , so , this week as I say we 're gon na concentrate on sound , sound , sound , sound , you 've got to play on sound that is the painting , I mean the , the pictures do you , alright that 's fine , at the same does n't matter we 've still got to work on different things , yeah , okay ? , erm , so , as I say we 're going to make a sound machine in different groups , now to give you an example , what I what you to do is be , I 'm going to give you a situation , give , choose a profession , okay , let's say we are in hospital , now I want you each and everyone of you in this group think of the situation , think of a sound that one might hear in a hospital , everyone to themselves just think of a sound , could be a patient screaming , it could be a heart machine , it could be , er exactly , could be that , could be absolutely anything , it could sirens , it could be anything , okay , for everyone I want you to have the sound in your head okay , everyone 's got a sound in their head ?
22 Nothing I invent , it seemed to say , is useless ; and we are not amused .
23 ‘ Hey , there 's nothing I like better than a slow cruise off the Spanish Main , a cool drink , and a little hot music .
24 ‘ Duw , there 's nothing I like better than to work on my own ideas . ’
25 ‘ There is nothing I like more than having the house filled with young people .
26 Even today there 's nothing I like better than to sit in church on Sunday morning and lustily bawl out the hymns . )
27 He do n't miss nothing I tell you !
28 ‘ No , I do n't think so , nothing I remember . ’
29 There 's nothing I hate more than going to an exhibition where there 's nobody there whom I know and there 's nothing there which I like …
30 ‘ There 's nothing I 've done that I 'm ashamed of , Cleg , ’ she said softly , ‘ my father brought me up to be respectable and that 's what I am . ’
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