Example sentences of "[num ord] [noun sg] be " in BNC.

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31 Given the widespread destruction of church interiors during the post-Reformation period and the relentless removal of ‘ superstitious ’ objects , it is hardly surprising that the parishioners of the mid- and late sixteenth century were unwilling to finance new ecclesiastical building or furnishing .
32 The Crown 's servants in the sixteenth century were in many ways less effective as administrative instruments than had been their predecessors in the fourteenth and early fifteenth centuries .
33 Among the grievances of some of the rural rebels in the sixteenth century were complaints about the enclosure of lands by lords — this occurred in the north-west sector of the Pilgrimage of Grace , and the casting down of hedges marked the start of the Norfolk rising of 1549 .
34 The questions about their nature and extent which had exercised lawyers in the sixteenth century were not completely answered in the seventeenth and eighteenth .
35 According to Scott , Marshall was seventeen times lawfully married , and after his hundredth year was the avowed father of four illegitimate children .
36 Well that would certainly be my favourite , we we 'll be coming up to our hundredth anniversary are n't we fairly soon ?
37 Further anecdotes on the fame of Champagne wines in the fourteenth century are told by Max Sutaine in his Essai sur l'histoire des vins de la Champagne ( 1845 ) ; in particular he relates how , when the German king Wenceslas arrived in Reims in 1397 to discuss with Charles VI the division within the church over the popes of Avignon ( a subject Henry Vizetelly describes in A History of Champagne ( 1882 ) as ‘ very fit for a drunkard and a madman to put their heads together about ’ ) he became so intoxicated on the local wines that he signed all the documents before him , departing without knowing what he had signed .
38 The English mystical texts in the fourteenth century are symptomatic of this whole ethos .
39 The fourteenth century is another country to the young but in any case I do n't like to make specific parallels with events in more recent times .
40 The Grosvenor family ( now holders of the dukedom of Westminster ) is of ancient lineage ( the Scrope versus Grosvenor controversy of the late fourteenth century is a pertinent study ) , and , over the ages , members have held estates in a number of counties and participated in governmental matters in many localities .
41 The suddenness of the increased use of artillery in the third quarter of the fourteenth century is evidenced by the fact that when Gaston Fébus , vicomte of Béarn in the Pyrenees , had a network of fortifications constructed between 1365 and 1380 ( a period during which many castles were built in France ) he must have been building some of the last fortifications to take no account of artillery , which was very soon to compel important developments in the art of defence .
42 At a relatively early stage in England — the Black Death in the fourteenth century is one marker — feudal relations in the countryside began to make way for wage labour and the beginnings of a market in land as a commodity .
43 We need to know why there was a war , and what factors in the early fourteenth century were influential in encouraging it .
44 There is some evidence that Cornish tin-mining maintained a reasonable level of production , although with some fluctuations : a sharp drop just after the Black Death and a boom at the end of the fourteenth century were followed by a period of depression in the half-century after 1430 , with a considerable recovery by the early sixteenth century .
45 Strand-on-the-Green , which was originally only a collection of fishermen 's cottages at a riverside hamlet which , in the fourteenth century was called ‘ Stronde ’ then ‘ Ye Strande ’ by the end of the sixteenth century ; then later it became ‘ Strand Green ’ and then ‘ Strand in the Green ’ by the beginning of the eighteenth century .
46 It is sometimes suggested that the mystical flowering of the fourteenth century was a reaction against the scientific and scholastic enthusiasms of the thirteenth century , which had sought to reinterpret the Christian experience in terms of the rationalistic philosophy of Aristotle .
47 The fourteenth century was to see a change among the natural leaders of military society from free service in the fulfilment of obligation to service in return for pay or reward .
48 The fourteenth century was a momentous century in the history of Wales .
49 The rise of the Nevilles and the Percies in the late fourteenth century was the first occasion when families of genuine northern origin came into the front rank of the nobility — one may exclude the duchy of Lancaster from any such comment , because it was closely connected with the royal family and also held substantial lands in the Midlands and the South .
50 The first has been to satisfy the objective which has already been stated : to display identity by assuming ( and from the fourteenth century being granted ) arms of individual distinction .
51 Needless to say , the yellow and red-awninged snack vendors at the corner of Fifth Avenue and Eighty-eighth Street are in hot dog heaven .
52 The nineteenth question is which celebrated Swiss clown and mime comes from you know which do n't you ?
53 ( See the earliest drawing ) , was unsatisfactory , so in September 1908 a trial tee was constructed somewhere near what is now the ladies ' winter tee on the 16th , the 17th green being more or less as we know today , although at this time a twin green with the first .
54 The second course is to write the history of the local organisation from general knowledge gleaned over the years , and to send this to the leader , or committee , for comment .
55 The timetable for the second course is currently being written .
56 The second course was advised by Ernest Bevin .
57 Lymphoblastoid α-IFN ( Wellferon , Wellcome , Beckenham , UK ) was given at a dose of 5 mega units daily according to the following regimen : a four week primer course , a four week rest period and a second interferon course lasting 16 weeks ; for five patients from Rotterdam the duration of the second course was prolonged up to 30 weeks .
58 The second part is an attempt to debunk the then generally accepted view that there was something unique , mysterious , almost supernatural in the rise of the European notions of politics .
59 The second part is a review of examples of how the technology has already been used in education .
60 This particular exercise can be done in many ways , always up to time , always with the first part of the sentence unchanged , although the second part is different :
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