Example sentences of "[num ord] [noun] this " in BNC.

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1 In the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries this reforming enthusiasm was channelled into the foundation of Orders more oriented towards service of the whole community — the mendicant Dominicans and Franciscans were travelling preachers and the Augustinian Canons ( known as Austin Friars ) were committed to lives of pastoral service .
2 On the 31st May this year Hilda Hyam , correctly dressed in a blue leotard and a pink rose , celebrated her ninetieth birthday in style , for her fellow teachers in Avon had organised the perfect day just for her : — classes morning and afternoon interspersed with coffee — a tasty lunch — and a delicious tea complete with a birthday cake .
3 On the 31st May this year Hilda Hyam , correctly dressed in a blue leotard and a pink rose , celebrated her ninetieth birthday in style , for her fellow teachers in Avon had organised the perfect day just for her : — classes morning and afternoon interspersed with coffee — a tasty lunch — and a delicious tea complete with a birthday cake .
4 Will the Secretary of State join me in congratulating my constituent , Archie Heptinstall , on his 80th birthday this week ?
5 Take margarine , which celebrates its 120th birthday this year .
6 It is celebrating its 800th anniversary this year and to mark the historic milestone the DoE has recreated a magnificent herb garden in the abbey 's grounds .
7 Maybe we 've just misunderstood , even though we 've been around for a long time , my own trades council in Battersea and Wandsworth celebrated its hundredth anniversary this year .
8 CAPENHURST 'S safety record which last year won it a certificate of merit from the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents has earned it a second award this year .
9 BRITISH Gas is to cut its charges by 2 per cent from October — the second reduction this year .
10 In the second instance this is achieved by projecting the image of the naive Nizan systematically manipulated by the ruthless bureaucrats of the party machine .
11 Bad co-ordination allowed North Auckland , who were relegated to New Zealand 's second division this season , to take a 5–0 lead .
12 Bad co-ordination allowed North Auckland , who were relegated to New Zealand 's second division this season , to take a 5–0 lead .
13 Younger has been identified as needing a new , upgraded PC , in addition to the existing station , but under the new legislation , as from 1st January this year , the workstation environment must pass all criteria before new equipment can be installed .
14 Finally , the masculine sounding dedicatee of Mozart 's Piano Concerto No9 , dubbed the Jeunehomme , stands revealed as a certain Mlle Jeunehomme , virtuoso pianist 7.30pm St John 's Smith Sq £5-£11/concs £5 WEDNESDAY11 The Creation Period Orchestra , the Age of Enlightenment : Haydn 's Handelian oratorio 7.30pm QEH £5-£15 THOMAS ALLEN Second recital this week ( after Blackheath on Thursday 5 ) by the vibrant Geordie baritone .
15 this is the second bite this is it
16 After attempting last month 's first 8-bars of the 16-bar solo from Linda Ronstadt 's That 'll Be The Day , we 'll crack on with the second half this month .
17 ‘ I say , I 'm doing an absolutely top-hole experiment with 4A second period this afternoon .
18 This can be upgraded to the Pentium chip when it becomes available in the second quarter this year .
19 If I said right you 've got a second chance this morning , how could you improve that piece of work in front of you now .
20 It was the second explosion this week in India 's largest city .
21 The long road to Wembley winds its way into the second round this weekend and cup romance takes us to Cheltenham to see the Town ; the Robins getting ready for their big day .
22 Dicks has just finished his second suspension this season .
23 Although given the honour of being the opening story of Doctor Who 's second season this serial was originally scheduled to be part of the first .
24 For the second approach this could only be answered by asking another , deeper , question : why did geographical change take place at that period at all ?
25 It 's the second incident this week involving British tourists in America .
26 It was the second incident this week .
27 Private referral rates among non-fundholders , however , stayed at the same level in the two phases of the study : 27.8 in phase 1 ( 26.7 to 29.0 ) and 27.8 in phase 2 ( 26.7 to 28.9 ) , although as NHS referrals increased in the second phase this represented a reduction of 2.7% ( 1.2% to 4.2% ; χ 2 =12.89 , p<0.001 ) in the proportion of total referrals .
28 Rickenbacker , who incidentally celebrate their 60th anniversary this year , are not known for their impetuosity when it comes to new guitar and bass designs .
29 The Home Office is planning tougher powers against laundering by adding extra clauses to the Criminal Justice ( International Co-operation ) Bill after its second reading this month .
30 As Fidel Castro 's revolution entered its 33rd year this month , shortages of food and consumer goods were the most obvious of the many challenges to Cuba 's Caribbean version of socialism .
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