Example sentences of "['s] and the " in BNC.

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1 We are told that these last four words are Rimbaud 's and the Surrealist André Breton 's , and that in 1968 they were a slogan of the protesting Sorbonne students .
2 In the middle of the series ' first run this presentation will provide an opportunity to consider how successful FAMILY PRIDE has been in launching onto the region 's and the nation 's screens the UK 's first Asian soap .
3 In fact the street names and the rest belong with the extremely important disjunctive flotsam of the book : paintpots , old rope , the odd sock , boots that once belonged to the Secretary at the English Embassy , twists of paper , egg-shells , fish-guts , frayed blood-soaked strips torn from trouserbottoms and coat-pockets , an axe-sling in ribbons ( ‘ Little bits of tom linen can not possibly arouse suspicion ! , ’ ) half-eaten meals , small change , miscellaneous pawned objects , candle-ends , trousseau-stuff ( ‘ fancy boxes , dressing-cases , ornaments , dress material , and all that sort of junk from Knopf 's and the English Shop ’ ) broken crocks ( cherepki ) , and skulls ( cherepi ) .
4 There is no technology gap between the Soviet Union 's and the West 's electronic research activities .
5 This is an interestingly eclectic argument which recalls Gadamer on the ‘ fusion of horizons ’ ( the reader 's and the text 's ) , Marcuse on the utopian possibilities of high culture , and Sartre on the necessarily progressive implications of major literature .
6 Yet in one sense the circumstances of any and every poem are ‘ special ’ ; and at any rate all these instances show that , in his own writing as in the writing of others , Pound was prepared to recognize circumstances which justified departing very far indeed from Ford 's and the imagists ' precepts about diction , indeed flying in the face of them .
7 But in any case , the best proof of the pudding is in the eating — by which I mean that any one who has tried to help young poets over the years , whether in Britain or America , knows that Ford 's and the imagists ' precepts about diction are what most of them most need to learn — no novelty , after all , since they can learn the same lessons from the preface to Lyrical Ballads , if they choose to .
8 I was surprised at the mild temperatures in St David 's and the surrounding areas .
9 It is for the Association to continue to build a sound foundation of welfare facilities and support that will enable both today 's and the future 's needs to be met — in meeting this objective we are deeply indebted to the continuing dedication of our members and the support of our many friends .
10 Mr Prior , Mr Walker , and Sir Ian Gilmour opposed many of Mrs Thatcher 's and the Chancellor 's economic policies , and all three at some time seriously considered resignation over the 1981 budget .
11 Similarly , in these societies a large number of people on both the bride 's and the groom 's side are involved in an obligatory exchange of property of major significance .
12 Indian painters would in this case be painting an image showing the Church 's and the State 's warning to Indians who contemplated rebellion , as many did .
13 Add an engine which offers significantly better straight-line performance than the Corrado 's and the balance starts to tip in favour of the Calibra .
14 The Guardian 's own Milestones Award for long-term creative commitment to the music went to the veteran George Russell , whose greeting from the crowd was as affectionate as it should have been and a services-to-jazz prize sponsored jointly by Wire and Carlsberg/Elephant lager went to John Surman , one of the most gifted members of that talented and ill-rewarded generation of musicians that came between Stan Tracey 's and the new young heroes .
15 Peter Brook 's central achievement in the television version is to seize on the screen 's ability to make a seamless connection between two senses of ‘ illusion ’ , the philosopher 's and the magician 's .
16 He was curious to know what had happened to the condoms , the Bob Martin 's and the vibrator .
17 He did so partly by relying on the unquestioned fact that death and violence were an integral element in many books which were already on the way to becoming children 's classics ; from a list compiled rather later in the century one might cite Grimm 's Fairy Tales , Hans Andersen 's and the expurgated Arabian Nights .
18 Everything depended on the man 's and the woman 's obedience .
19 The temperature 's hitting the 80 's and the kids are wearing day-glo Bermuda shorts and chattering excitedly about the coming day 's events .
20 Some 100 metres from the church , between the baker 's and the grocer 's , was a chemist 's .
21 Doug Sherry , the proprietor of Doug 's and the car-wash that camouflages its entrance , winces and puffs philosophically on a fat cigar .
22 Kan 's Prehistoric range can be seen at Liberty 's and The Conran Shop later this month .
23 Dr Hardy said he and Prof Mayer ‘ almost agree ’ on the mechanism of cell death , though he was not convinced it is common to Alzheimer 's and the spongiform encephalopathies , which are different diseases .
24 Just a few more upsets like yesterday 's and the Tote 's all-time record of £½ million could be in danger .
25 NOT even a clutch of famous hotels including The Savoy , Claridge 's and The Connaught could help The Savoy Group escape the full effects of war and recession which prompted a 78 p.c. slump in pre-tax profit to £2.3m during 1991 , writes Karen Cooper .
26 She gave invaluable service to the Red Cross , St Dunstan 's and the Voluntary Aid Detachment , and was appointed a JP in 1951 .
27 Ultimately there were five , and the last and fifth of the great docks , which included the Rothesay , the Merkland 's Lairage , the Yorkhill , the Queen 's , the Prince 's and the Kingston Dock , was the King George V Dock .
28 Their accounts are primarily the taxman 's and the banks ' business .
29 In 1907 , however , the Bondholders had a great deal more at risk than in the 1960 's and the 2:1 arrangement gave them some protection and rights over their own investments and the Club 's destiny .
30 They were gathering on the Strip , in the coffee houses like the Unicorn , Mac 's , Luan 's and the Renaissance .
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