Example sentences of "[n mass] each [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 As Dolphineers pay £1 each Sunday night such prices would be prohibitive .
2 And as I I recall on a Saturday morning I used to have to take the er one and sixpence each Saturday back to this House , and they used to issue us a little receipt and I remember my father keeping all those receipts until it was paid off .
3 Judging was done by directors and heads of staff each August .
4 I will endeavour whenever possible to worship with God 's people each Sunday .
5 On 25 January 1990 , the two parties reached an agreement under which the accountants would raise invoices each week for work done during that week and the Ledingham-Smiths would pay them £5,000 each Friday .
6 We will be giving away FIVE of our legendary FlyPast Goodie-Bags containing new books , a video , FlyPast stocking-fillers , all wrapped in a crowning glory — the memorably FlyPast shopping bag ( all-in-all retail value at least £50 each Goodie-Bag ) .
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